Horror Films

last night i was watchin AMC’s Monster fest and Nightmare on Elm street was on and i got to thinkin y are there no good horror films anymore like friday the 13, halloween, nightmare on elm street etc. granted that times have changed and people are not scared of the same thing that they were back then but i mean does hollywood not even try anymore most of them just suck and none give u nightmares or not wanting to go into a dark room or something like that. its like they just make a movie with limbs being cut off and then they have someone jump out for the quick scare there is not creativity anymore

i would have to agree, the ONLY ones that have any sort of creativity are the SAW series movies. the rest have been big disappointments to me. the only other one that was creative was M.Night Shawlman’s “the village” but it wasnt scary…just creative.

i dont consider the saw series really horror, gross and suspensfull i see it as cause u cant really be scared of a guy that puts people in a puzzle and watches them die. i do like the saw series though it is creative

Slasher flix (Halloween, Elm Street, Friday 13th) are still made but they are B films now.

Go to any Blockbuster or Hollywood and check out the cheesy looking horror movies you never heard of before.

Scream screwed everything up. They put it in the horror movie category and it was jsust a mystery ever since then horror movies have been hella gay. Then saw came along with a cool origional plot but the acting was worse than any torture jigsaw could come up with. Saw 2 same deal. neat story horrible acting. Hopefully 3 will be better. O&A had the cast on today and they are saying it is the best one yet but aren’t thsy supposed to say that? Other than that you have remakes of a few classics dawn of the dead, texas chansaw massace and the hills have eyes.

I’m excited for saw 3… but i agree that horror movies suck lately…i havent found a good one in years… :frowning:

yea i have rented a few of thoes amature flicks most are half porno half slasher

Did you see the one with Bill Goldberg (the wrestler) something like Santa Claws?

I just laughed at the box when I saw it was him.

Did you catch Haloween, right before Nightmare was on? They showed the DVD version with quotes and notes on the bottom about the filming of the movie. VERY COOL obscure facts.


The budget was only $250,000 and it grossed $55 million. Most of the staff was the director and producers friends, who were unpaid.

The Hadonfield neighborhood scenes were shot in Illinois in the spring and they had to bring in bags of autumn leaves to make it look like October.

John Carpenter not only directed the movie, but composed all of the music by himself.

In one scene you can see smoke from the director’s cigarette cause he was smoking to close to the camera.

etc, etc…

The mike meyers mask was just a painted captain kirk mask.

the grudge scared the shit out of me

I don’t know what it is but japanese kids are scary as shit, but then once the girls turn aroun 20ish god are they sexy!

freddy/jason/michael scared me in 1990. the grudge was not scary. the ring was not scary. the blair witch project was not scary.

candyman (original) scared the shit out of me.

saw was amazing, except for the acting, which can be forgiven. they didn’t know they were going to have such a huge hit… the acting in saw 2 was slightly better, but, whatever… this kind of movie isn’t about the acting, it’s about the puzzle/suspense/creativity.

True, and they also explained that the Shatner mask had the eyebrows and side burns removed. Then they widened the eyes. The last step was painting it a bluish-white color.

How about them apples…

no i didnt see that i was watchin mythbusters lol

There is one reason why the bliar witch project was not scray and that is because you knew about it. For years before it was released they did a tremendous job marketing it to be a true video. Someone found this one day and published it. Eventually the actors friends started leaking that they were in fact alive and that screwed everything up. Just imagine that you found a video tape and someone is getting killed on it, thats what you were supposed to feel like.

And with the other scray movies, how old were you when they came out, and how old are you now? Im not easily scared at anything anymore but when i was little night of the living dead and return of the living dead scared the living shit out of me, i think that is what made me the zombie killer i am today. I often have zombie dreams (weird I know) but i never wake up scared, instead i wake up my broad and i’m like Hey i had another zombie dream! It was fucking sweet!

House of a 1000 Corpses

A lot like hte original Texas Chainsaw Masacre

very creepy and messes with your head

1000 Corpses was decent. I liked Devil’s Rejects too.

ANY of the Hell Raiser movies. I first thought there was just 4, now i find out theres like 8

Watch em, Youll soon realize Clive Barker is one fucked up puppy


I just saw Grudge 2 and I think that it suceeded to first by far. It wasn’t all that bad. Did anyone see The Texas Chainsaw Massacare The Beginning? If so How was it?

Hey guys don’t forget about the Shinning. Although not a horror flick still scared the shit out of me.