Personally I like the old movies with low budget effects. It seems today the movies try to show the blade piercing the skin, ect.
Take Amittyville horror and those cheesy red eyes. I mean c’mon it was a terrible effect but it made me jump. Maybe it’s just the grain quality, but just focusing on the doorway in the basement was creepy.
I remember a C movie, at best, the only special effect was black eye make-up. Some zombie crap, maybe it was because I was younger, but it was just creepy weird.
The Evil Dead was on FUSE this weekend, I didn’t get a chance to watch the whole thing, didn’t want to either because I would rather see it uninterrupted. That was what I would consider a quality horror flick. Shitty effects that came across nice.
I wanna see Prison of the Psychotic Damned that was filmed at the buffalo central terminal a few years back but Im too cheap too buy it. The Hellraiser films are a bit disturbing. Descent was ok.
agreed 100% it just seems they films maker are focusing more on the gross/disturbing factor more than the scare me while i lay in bed in the dark factor.
Puzzle box is a gateway to hell where Sadistic demons (as seen above, Chatter Box, Pinhead, and Butterball), will torture you for eternity and make you love pain. Its seriously a series of REALLY REALLY Fucked up movies.
As pinhead always says- “I will enjoy making you bleed, I will enjoy making you enjoy it. We have an eternity to explore your flesh.”
The first 4 are the best, it kinda went downhill after that
Who thought Blair Witch was real?? I went and saw it knowing that it wasn’t. I though it was scary because of the realism of it. It wasn’t cheese ball monsters running around chasing people. You never saw what it was that was after the people. I lived near some woods at the time and when I got out of my car after the movie I ran to the door.