Movie: The hills have eyes

good movie… makes you think " what would you do in that situation"
makes you sit back in your seat thinking oh my god…
fucked up but good…
not for the weak stomach, :eek:

rent it:eek3:

own both versions…the 70’s one and the new one.

from what i’ve heard every girl hides their face at the same parts…

horror movies > females

:rofl: @ the rape scene

great movie. Love the outhouse scene.

the opening scene got me hooked

I wish I had never seen it!!! Y U C K!

i want to see but my g/f refuses


I won’t be seeing this one…nor Saw OR Saw II, bleh, too gorey.

The Dark > Me

I think we saw SAW . I think it was good

Beast is my boy

I agree. My friend is always trying to get me to watch scary movies!!! :puke:

i never said i refuse to see it… i’d rather not though lol

i thought both of the SAW movies where good.

just saw this movie 2 nights ago, thought it was good, and yeah beast kicked ass…

…couldnt help but think of sloth from teh goonies during a bunch of scenes…

is this movie out for rent

Yeah it’s out for rent. Haven’t seen the unrated version yet tho. i saw this in theatres. Def one of the best Horror remakes so far.

We watched it last weekend…
The rape scene is just gross… but not as bad as I expected.
I kept telling Don… “If this happens to us… go get the baby. Leave me”
He was just shaking his head.
I thought it was pretty good.

The movie is straight up brutal. I loved it.

we rented it over the weekend, not bad.


I already said that ^^^^^^^^^^^^