Movie Review Forum??

we can start it tonight after JARHEAD

You are really really excited about that movie huh?

I really want to see it myself, but i have plans all damn week! Write up a review after (like i have to ask :p)

I want to go, but Im alittle wary about doing that with like 10 guys from a forum, haha… Maybe ill just go with a couple buddies and throw shit at the nerds in the back row ;-)… haha

Rightly so.
I found this picture of Jack.

He just looks too much like a kid toucher.

yesth … i would like 10 ticketsh , one for me and one for thesth 9 guys i know from the internet, isth that ok hunny ? thanksth …


:lolsign::lolham: That is the best picture of jack i have ever seen. He looks like there is a 10yr old boy in the back seat

OK why don’t we stop gettin OT here, talk about the meet in the pertaining thread…


Anyway, you want it, you got it.


Thanks again Howie-Masta

BTW - Thats probably my best pic. You should see it in the flyer that will be mailed out next month when I move into your neighborhood… I will be the 2nd boy toucher on the sheet… I’ll look like this though… I wanted to be more cuddly and appealing to my young friends…