Jarhead - Official Movie Review

post your reviews of the movie here.

spoilers taken out. got a point.

I liked it - very accurate from all accounts I have heard, but kind of over the top in some scenes.

but I can see where they were going with it… boredom + testosterone - females + desert heat = el loco.

I noticed that many of the scenes in the trailers were pulled - didn’t see the A-10 formation contrailing, the “bubble-gum shot”, etc.

oh yeah, uh, lots of man ass. you are forewarned. or, if you saw the movie, yeah, didn’t dig that either. meh.

not really much of a war movie, so if you are looking for a good-old-shoot-'em-ep flick, this ain’t it. if you are looking for an intense human drama about the life of one guy in the Marines in 1991, bam.

full-metal jacket meets gen X/Y in the desert. would have liked more action, more of his girlfreind :D, and the deleted scenes to have been left, but overall, good adrenaline moving plot and fair character building. 7.5 out of 10 my book.


-edit- somehow without reading the guidelines I managed to get it right. booyah grandma.

Sounds almost as good as the trailer… Can’t wait to see it

i still need to see it but i read the book and also met swafford. He was a cool guy and his book was 100% true. He spoke at RIT about experiences and the book. He also gave a chance for whoever wanted to get their book signed and talk to him for a min or two 1 on 1… Def a good read if you can pick up a copy.

I’ll have to check the book out.

I skipped your post, but I think posting a spoiler in a REVIEW thread is pretty silly, start a discussion thread if you wanna talk about spoilers :slap:


Sounds good, wasn’t sure what to expect. It looks like a good film and I’ll hit it up. Maybe the girl who doesn’t like action/war movies will want to go w/ :stuck_out_tongue:




spoiler pulled.

please read the thread.

thanks for pulling the spoilers…

it was ahrd to read the review with my eyes covvered

just saw it with Jack, Choda, (their women) and Twizted. :tup: good human drama flick. ill leave it up to jack to say what happened afrter the movie ;)… heres a hint…Twizted ran like a woman lol (i woulda too)


hehe. no prob. shoulda thought that one through a bit better.

so, what did you guys think?

(without adding spoilers :smiley: )


lots of man ass… unnecessary…

basically it is the life of a marine through the eyes of a panzy.

full metal jacket for the PC crowd? sweeeet.

And now with man ass!!


I only paid 5 bux to see it… so I guess it was worth that much.

Edited by Walter Murch - one of the best / well-known film editors around. For that reason alone, I may go see it.

yeah the fact it was $5 made it better…definatly a good movie, as long as your not expecting a “saving private ryan” type flick.

good movie :tup:

lmfao at the woman falling when the bench colapsed on her…then me “man down, sombody call a lawyer”


movie wasnt worth my 10 bux