Movies filmed in Pittsburgh


i had a friend that was in houseguest!!

the bridge scene in kingpin was filmed on rt 130, more specifically the bridge that goes from haymaker village into trafford.

GunG ho was also filmed in beaver / bridgewater

parts of it where at the gm plantā€¦like the scene outside the factory

why didnā€™t i see silence of the lambs? or the bruce willis movie???

that list is BUNK!

:rofl: worried about nature to much :kekegay:


i was going to PTI when the Mothman Proph was filming. they had trailers and stuff set up on campus. supposedly, the only thing they used from that whole setup was a car driving down the street and there was this tree in the background that they wanted in the picture for some reason.

striking distance is on there

thatsā€™ what itā€™s called!!! :slap: