The wifey and I are moving to our new apartment next weekend. Unfortunately, with our work schedules, this is going to be a 2 week fiasco of moving shit back and forth at night. I’ll be on and off the forums daily but not posting that much. But, big brother is always watching. :tong
Be nice kids! :ohnoes
haha i know how you feel, we just moved into a new place across town here, PITA!!!
This isn’t bad. It’s in Bronxville again.
But, she wanted the place painted. She wanted new bedroom furniture and new rugs, etc… So it’s a process.
yeah i moved to the other side of middletown, i painted, repaired and carpeted this place myself, took about a month, this place is awesome though. I love it
No pics yet.
The floor isn’t finished. I am dreading Saturday, the move.