Well, I moved out of my place of residence for 2 years in depew to Hamburg. That didn’t end up working out so I was lucky enough that Beck was moving out of the Ritz and I took his spot. Big thanks to 94wvwglxvr6, Newman and Walker for welcoming me and for Beck for hooking me up on a month’s rent. This place rocks!! :tup:
ohhh man. pics of you in numans belt or ban…
Hahahha… Big thanks also so Robhimself for helping me move!
good shit…
yea…but moving is not fun at all!!!
yeah, I moved seven times in the last two years. I hope it’s better for you than the last place, not that it was bad, but not good.
I agree w/ krazyjon.
I will need some help when I move in March
Anytime! Just dont move for again for at least a month or i wont help you. Hope you didn’t wake up with a sore butt.
lol… and after that damn u-haul van we had?
Yeah tell me about it, $100 wasted… Oh well.
i hate moving. currently in my 16th residence in 10 years.
Glad it’s over, post up next time if You need some help… always willing to lend a hand moving.
Uhhh… that’s got to be a real interesting house :uhoh:
Thanks Nick, hopefully I won’t need your help for a while…
I am locked in for 2 years :tup: to finding a good solid cheap place. Now if only my furnace will work for the entire winter, but no heat = cheap gas bills
Congrats on the new pad, enjoy your stay
So YOU’RE the new guy.
Moving isn’t fun… I was thinking of getting out of my lease where I currently live… but dont want to move… kuz it sucks major ass.
Why is that interesting?
Sounds to me like someone wants some chin nuts.
that’s what that house is all about… isnt it?
Because I didn’t know you by your name when Newman was talking about you. But now I sort of know who you are from your posts. I like to randomly pop in at the Ritz.
EDIT: Chin nuts? Hahaha. Not.
That’s right, you have the boyfriend who doesn’t know that Eclipses aren’t RWD…