Thinkin' about moving out

Lately i’ve just been getting really sick and tired of living at home. I really miss having my “own” place to just go to and either do work or relax or whatever. I lived on campus at Siena for a semester and loved it. Ever since i’ve moved back home I seem to be depressed all the time and just don’t have the same outlook on life as I used to (maybe it was just all the beer I drank there :lol just kidding.) My friend and I have been talking about getting an apartment together. He works a fulltime job as a manager at Radio Shack, and goes to school full time as well. So I know he won’t dick me around when it comes to rent or anything like that. He’s also not one to throw a huge party or be rude/obnoxious either since I have known him for a very long time (i’ll be the jackass who throws the parties… LOL.) The Colonie Towers seem to be pretty nice, spacious and the rent isn’t bad. Anyone have any suggestions for a 2BR apartment in the area? Also any other tips? Thanks. :nod

Craigslist. I found a fantastic place that wasn’t owned by a company type.

Great idea but it will be costly when you consider rent, utilities, food, etc…

We can get internet for free through his work. So that is out of the way. TV I don’t really watch much so we might not even get that. Basically all we’ll be looking at is food, electric, and rent. Then gas for the car + insurance, etc.

Make sure you really can live with this guy because a friend you chill with is a bit different than a friend you live with.

Try and budget everything and see what you can afford.

Then, I’d look at craigslist hardcore for the right place.

Good luck mang.

Coming home to YOUR place after a hard day of work is rewarding.

You see that’s EXACTLY what I miss. I had a dorm at Siena, was actually quite big compared to everyone elses (I was a freshman living in the soph dorms so it was bigger than the freshman shitholes). I went to class all day and loved coming back to my own place where noone bothered me. At home its just nonstop bullshit, just little things like my mom coming in to get something that I Just cannot stand anymore. Especially now that I go to class all day and then work in the evening. It’s just getting to my head.

Was lookin at that. Sounds pretty nice but i’d have to see pictures.

Look on craigslist, get a few places together and go look at some of them. Be patient though. I waited on the place i just moved into and its awesome!

Where at?

Like Shawn said, make sure you know you can live with this person. Being good friends with someone and living with them doesn’t always work out.

I don’t know your financial situation or anything but all that money you save by living at home will put you into your OWN HOUSE that much sooner down the road. :ponder

middletown CT

Lil bit too far of a commute for me to HVCC. :lol

i love living on my own but livin at home is soooo much cheaper! sometimes i wish i was still living at home even with all the stress…

Which RadioShack does he work at?

Obviously places like Albany/Troy might be a bit cheaper due to location.

Brunswick is a hidden gem but you need to go through Troy to get there.

no. you can get there through waterford. make right at the end of saratoga ave. take a left at the light . then go 2 lights down take a leftish and then follow that road. MY g/f lives in brunswick. altho most people call it troy. its not. off plank rd. its troy up to a point.

Thanks for the correction. I wish I knew that at the time I decided not to live there. :slight_smile:

Colonie Center.

Oh… I would’ve suggested some apartments right near HVCC, but he works kinda far for that.

would be nice to get out… dont got the cash though to do it … if i split though with people id probably meet ends…

You guys with cars and mods need a reality check if you simply cannot afford to move out into a studio or 1 bedroom apartment.

Are they nice, or are they gangstar? He doesn’t care about driving distance. I go to school full time at the valley and work in Menands, but I’d like to drive as little as possible. We were looking at the towers so far but that’s about it.