hey guys

how’s everyone doing today? :hs: :hsdance:

anything exciting? i almost got run down by a motorcade for either bob dole or those assholes filming that movie… either way i was like :madfawk:

lol :bigok:

i am off work due to the weather…heading to CAL to burn the street racing dvd then eat with my gf


Harvard on the MON…U of california


Im in the final stages of trying to get a house. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, nice big living room, big deck, nice wooded lot, and its in Ocean Pines, a super affluent community just outside of Ocean City. Its nice as hell. $900/month. 1 year lease, so you prolly wont see me living in the burgh for a while, but its the best option we have right now. Living at home = teh suxors. On the other hand, it does mean that Pittspeeders that want to come down and visit will have plenty of floor space to crash on if need be. and the deck is great for a BBQ. :cool:

And its bike week down here as well. Starting tomorrow, the entire hotel is rented out to one bigass motorcycle club that consists solely of Harleys. Boss just gave me the ok to let them be as far as burnouts and shit like that, so hopefully I can get some cool vids.

:shaggy: :kekegay:

u going to be at the garage tonight…if so i might stop bye and say hi


i’m in like flint

anyone ever notice that social workers are all fat? WTF is up with that?

fat woman tend to love children more, since they cant go out and do much :kekegay:

the door is always open, if you think the Rustang will make it that far.


im going to take a dump right now

dont squeeze too hard and pop a gasket.

That doesn,t fucking surprise me :rolleyes:

why, does he shit a lot? And Im curious as to how you would know the frequency of Spangler’s bowel movements… :smiley:

The mother fucker has a serious shitting prob,he used a 25 cent shitter in south side the other night :eek4: