hey guys


If ya gotta go, ya gotta go!

i have IBS

and devin has known me since we where like 6 i use to race at the bmx track drop gate finish and bolt right across the lot to the shitters

and teh 25 cent shitter is dope!

unconfortable as hell thourgh but its all good you can drop a log on the floor and it washes it away

post the picture devin i want that as my avatar

Drixoral makes me pee.

what movie is being filmed! :slight_smile:

cleaning my room and doing laundry… yeah definately fun stuff… seeing as how i cant do my homework cause i still havent bought the book lol ohh well

check the other thread about dennis hopper… some BS…

Hey Darkstar, no offense, but what the hell are you doing paying 900 bux a month for a house? You can be owning one for less than that, and a pretty decent house at that.

900 bux a month is equivilent to paying off a $150,000.00 mortgage. I’ve also heard that real estate taxes out there aren’t too bad either.

I’m just curious

oh and as far as what I’m doing today, working 8 - 5, going home and getting a case of beer and relaxing. My fiance is gone for the next 4 days or so and I’m in my poltergeist-infested house by my self. So I’m planning on being thorough intoxicated and trying not to think about it.

Well, property values down here are a tad bit more than up in PA. lol. I looked at a couple places that were pretty dumpy for like $750 a month, but I wanted something half decent, and I didnt want an apartment. I know that I could be owning a house for that much, but im gonna have roomates an’at. Me and the woman will personally be throwing down $350 a month. Little brother is throwing $275 (well actually my dad is, on his behalf as part of the child support he would be sending my mom is he was still living at home), and a kid from work is taking up the 3rd bedroom and is also throwing $275. I could prolly pull off $900 a month between me and the g/f, but that wouldnt leave much left over. If we moved back up to PA, we would have to start over with new jobs, there would be a break in income, and renters/motrgage brokers like to see a steady job for a while if you want to get a loan or what not. Doing this for a year will leave me with 2 yrs under my belt at my job, some money in the bank, and a good solid renters reference for when I come back home. Its just not the right time to move back home, even though I want to so badly. ANd now at least some of you bitches can come down and visit and have a place to crash!

thought u where moving home to pa?

:hs: I really want to, but I just cant leave my job right now. So its either stay here in moms house, or get a nice place of my own… Im only paying $100 more in actual rent, but I have to do utilities and shit now too. 18 year old, 21 year old g/f and me + mom in tiny 3 bedroom house = lose. turbo talon can vouch, my house = the small. cool location, but tiny. and this place im moving to has trees and shit, so it feels kinda like home… :hs:



Im in such a good mood right now. :kiss:


The thing about houses is, you don’t want to buy one in perfect condition. Well, ideally given enough money I guess you would, but the best houses to buy are somewhat beat-up and just need some drywall and plumbing fixed.

You’d be surprised how low the price is on them. Like my house, I got it for around 40k, and it’s now worth around 80 in a year. It’s a pain in the ass, but you can make out like a bandit. I only plan on living here for about 5 years, then either selling or renting it and making $$$

That’s basically how all these real estate brokers make a ton of money. It’s the same idea behind those shows you see on tv about people going from a 25k a year job to making 20k a month.

6 times to and from cincy :blue:

Hope the house works out for you. Glad to hear you’re excited about it.




good things happen to who is patient :cool:

you better come visit before all the hotties pack it up and fly south for the winter.