
Focusinprogress and I are looking for a new roommate. Our current roommate is not working out. We need someone who is willing to do their part in cleaning up the apartment,pitch in on food and supplies,someone sociable, not allergic to cats and will pay the bills on time and up front. Also if possible to have one or two refrences. If you are interested please post up or pm me.

Rent: $435/mo divided by three of us
Gas Bill: about $100-140 in winter @ 72*, about $60-80 in summer
Electric Bill: $60-70/month

We also have verizon DSL, home phone, and DirecTV as a bundle @ $140/month…also split along with the rest of the bills.

another thing is, we are pretty well furnished as well…so other then bedroom stuff we can’t really fit anything else like couches, etc…unless you want to furnish the basement as a second living room area…which might be cool lol.

-amanda likes to cook meals, so plan to be cooked for fairly often…

this cuts down on dirty pots/pans, and wasting food when everyone is eating ramen and such.

AND, amanda is a smoker…so thats something additional to consider

Can I just pay to have a room to put my laundry in?

sure why not

where in cheektowaga?

Sounds like a good deal to anyone in the b-lo area. Good luck with your search

by the airport off of genessee

its not the best area but our apartment is really nice



ooooo can i come?


lol dam right

lol it was worth a try,

not quite

what about comin over occasionaly? ill bring drinks and other fun stuff

come on over ill be there

kool aid? its all your allowed to buy at your age. lol =)

whats the addy

Too bad this wasn’t closer to ECC south. I need to get the fuck out of my house.

123 fake st

Sorry I dont want an f-bod in the drive way and if I want minors over I would call my little sister and her friends over