Yet another reason why minorities get a bad rep.

I guess you could convey that conclusion from my rant. Everyone is born with very little predetermined on the plate. Look at it logically. People change all the time. Good to evil. Fat to skinny. Smart to dumb. Clean to drug addicted. Safe drivers to poor drivers. Slow racers to fast racers. and then all those also go the other way.

Put it this way. You have F1 DNA in your blood. since the start of F1 every family member is in racing, and good at it. But you live in the middle of the African desert because you wanted to. I doubt you will pick up F1 racing and excel at it in the middle of the desert!

You wake up, roll out of bed, and make your life how you want it to be.

Unless your born with defects or real illnesses/disease… everything else in life you suck at (in this case being with the opposite sex) I fully believe people that blame their “poor” decisions on genetics or more other scientific shit that cant be 100% tied to that decision… they are just making excuses and need to man up.