F*ck NY

I’m outie. :smiley:

wow jeg that was srsly so stupid. srsly.

I’m moving to Atlanta.

Good riddance?

wow jeg that was srsly so stupid. srsly.

With Dos?

wow jeg that was srsly so stupid. srsly

wow jeg that was srsly so stupid. srsly.

Soooo… you go from someplace that you can’t keep a job that is cheap to live to someplace that you can’t keep a job and is expensive to live…

naw. friend of mine is moving down there an I’m goin with him. His parents are madd loaded and have a massive house and are lettin us stay there for free. His dad is some head guy at wriggley’s gum factory an we’re gettin jobs there to start off. Nothing amazing but the way I see it. I’m 24. never really did much with my life, and I want to live in another part of the country and get some new life experiences. Been workin my ass off so I can save money and pay off all my debt before I go. I’m excited. ive lived in this hick ass town for 23 years. I want to experience more in life than just Akron. I got nothing holding me down, so I’m peacin out.

nigga I just got home from work. I left at 7am and just got home. I dont know what you’re talking about…but I have a job.

I don’t see how $0 for rent is expensive but ok :bloated:

Good luck surviving off the government in a red state.

wow jeg that was srsly so stupid. srsly.

wow jeg that was srsly so stupid. srsly.

I’ll miss your avatar.

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you really are fucking retarded aren’t you? Seriously…do you say anything worth while? or do you just suck a lot of dick? die in a fire you sycophantic sheep. I have NEVER depended on government money. Where you get this idea, I have no fucking clue. but seriously…stay the fuck out of my threads you worthless piece of human waist. People like you are the reason this state sucks balls.

Jeg i understand that $0 rent is appealing but how long do you plan to live with this guy? Also what if there is a falling out between the two of you? Are you really ok having your living situation reliant on someone else? I guess congrats on making a move of some type there are just a bunch of variables that could cause a headache in the future. GL with the move!

wow jeg that was srsly so stupid. srsly.

suck it bitch.