How much would it take for you to relocate...

From your current job/location, to one that’s further away.

Currently, a job in Pitts, PA is offering $5.50/hr + a fuckton more opportunity more than where I am now.
Granted, I have not even applied yet, but I more than meet all of the requirements.
However, I think I might even do it just because of the opportunity to learn more and better myself.
But then again, I know how work is scarce and my job is taking orders for the 3rd quarter of this year we’re so busy… So I know there’s work where I am now, and no chance of layoffs.
Can I even ask a potential employer how their outlook concerning work is?
Would blow monkey balls to relocate then get laid off 2 months later.

Just thinking it through.

For those of you that have relocated for a job, was it worth it?
Or what would it take you to leave your current job, to pack everything up and move out of state to a new location.
There’s just so many things to consider… I want to make sure I think of most of them :\

living cost

Good one.

If you move from Buffalo, NY to Pittsburgh, PA…
Groceries will cost:

             Housing will cost: 

             Utilities will cost: 

             Transportation will cost: 

             Healthcare will cost: 


For 11 grand more a year it would be hard to pass up.

do you currently own a house here or rent?

and it’s only 430sqft, so it’s not like I have very much crap to pack up ;p

Wait…juat? “offering $5.50/hr

Hmm… I wonder why it says transportation will cost 2% more…our gas here is always a good $0.20-$0.30 cheaper (if not more) than in Buffalo. And we have a really good public transportation system of buses and trolley lines and no toll roads.

We also don’t have any tax on clothing.

I think he was saying they would be paying him $5.50 per hour more.

make them sign a contract for at least X years / months

for just $11k extra a year i wouldnt even close to consider it… would need to be at least 5 times that to seriously consider based on salary alone.


other factors, such as quality of life, friends, upward mobility, etc etc… come to mind…

I’d bet most of that is due to tax reduction

$5.50 x 40 x 52 = $11,440/year. I wouldn’t necessarily switch companies in Buffalo for that.

I ‘relocated’ to Buffalo from home when I graduated college 5 years ago. While I miss my family, it has been worth the compromises that I’ve made to be here. I’ve got a great job, have met a ton of good people, cheap living…etc. NY offers up year round opportunities to get out and live life if you have the right mindset, which I try to take advantage of as often as I can. After 5 years I’ve covered pretty much all I’ve wanted here…and because of that, along with not having family ties here, I would be able and willing to make a career change to somewhere new without really even letting money be my deciding factor. At this point in my life I’d be more concerned with where the new location is, and the quality of the job and lifestyle that I would be able to live. That’s what would sway me from what I have built for myself here.

Your idea of taking this to better yourself skill wise is tough to put a price tag on. Skills are everything and if your current job isn’t challenging it’s probably time for a move either way. If ya ask me anyhow. :wink:

You’re new cost of living would be less. You’d make more per year. You don’t have alot to pack and move. You can learn new skills and better your value to future companies. I’d say go for it myself.

It depends on a lot of factors, but I would do it for 10% above cost of living increase.

I wouldn’t do it to Pittsburgh. My family is here, if I’m going to take the effort to leave it’s sure as shit going to be somewhere warm.

it depends on what your pay is now, if you make 30,000 a year than a 33% increase in wages could be worth it… if you make 50,000 a year a 20% raise can usually be had locally

i would honestly talk to the new company, an interview isnt just to see if you would fit in good with the company, its also to see if the company fits into what you want out of your career

So far at my current job i have made $12,485 since mid september, I work swing shifts and its 7 days on 1 day off when I work 7am to 3pm. Its 7 days on 2 days off when i work 3pm to 11pm then 7 days on 4 days off when i work 11pm to 7am and trust me you need 2 days to get back into the normal daytime schedule. I also have health insurance@ 24 dollars a week and dental insurance for $1.50 a week through blue cross blue shield which is one of the better insurance companies IMO.

To get me to leave my current place of employment it would have to be a set daytime schedule either 8-5 or 9-5 whatever, consist of either a salary of over 40k a year with benefits like my current job or have an hourly wage of around $17 to $18 an hour with room to improve.

Hell, if I had a job lined up in a better place than Buffalo, let alone even NYS, Id be gone and most likely not looking too far back. While I love it here, life seems like it can always be better elsewhere. I think someone posted a thread here earlier about “enjoyment of life rankings” for the 50 states. New York was the worse. :frowning:

I did it for cost of living +15% + all moving fees covered.

Though it’s Buffalo, run away as fast as you can!

Plus NYS Taxes are killer.