How much would it take for you to relocate...

I would probably move to san diego if I could find a job that would pay me the SAME.

You only have one home. Depends on how much you love home. Most don’t love it that much, until they left it for a few years, and all of a sudden there back.

Move out of Buffalo?

Don’t have to ask me twice, as long as it’s somewhere that’s also a shithole.

x542544234523. Soon as the economy picks up, I’m out.

Add to the taxes a new fresh 5% NYS toll hike.

things i miss…

Always something to do. (see friends)
Seasons (for about a week, then the snow can just disappear)
Semi motivated people and lots of colleges nearby
The general good of the people (atleast those i associated with)
Knowing many people, and them knowing me.

Things i dont miss, snow, lack of a market for what I do, higher taxes, etc etc.

The warmth is nice, I am far less happy now that I’ve moved away, time will tell what happens. I was much happier, making less money, and living in buffalo than I am in florida.

My suggestion… really think it through before you move. would anybody be going with you, ie, a girlfriend/family/etc

I am definitely more happy since I’ve moved to Houston. I can fly back home anytime I feel like it to hang with friends and family. Plus my friends and family can come visit me.

I haven’t had more then a 2 month period without either visiting someplace or someone visiting me. In most cases I hardly have a weekend free to do anything. I finally got around to cleaning up the garage this weekend.

I would say though that my wife is momentarily less happy since she’s left home, but I think she is slowing coming around. The entire lack of friends and family can adversely effect people. If you’re a pussy that is. :stuck_out_tongue:


After I graduate I will be willing to move for $5.50/hr more than I am making now. It would be a solid 33% increase in pay. BUT, it would have to be a normal day schedule. No more of this nights crap.

it’s such an unanswerable questions. but to move just about anywhere doing the same job I’d probably need something over 90.

Whats your current position?

I’m a Remote Solutions Engineer / Production Color Analyst. I solve workflow problems on large digital printers.

I agree with most of the above, but I am a FAR happier person living in Florida than I was in Buffalo. Sure I miss my family and friends like hell, and the food (which made me fatter/heavier than I am now), but I live a more affluent and active lifestyle in Florida than I would in Buffalo. It sucks sometimes not having many friends, especially those lifelong friends I grew up with since elementary school, but you make new friends. And sure I miss the “hook ups” of knowing someone for everything I need at a discount, but you network and make new circles of influence. All in all, I miss many things about home, but I don’t miss them nearly enough to move back anytime soon to the shit weather and high taxes!! I’ll keep my money (no state income taxes) and guns (handgun laws in FL > NY) and sunshine and stay in Florida.

Last year, I moved to Cleveland to follow my position. I did it for a peanut raise and learned some new skills along the way.

I moved to the Finger Lakes region last September for 50% more than my previous position and a chance to do something new and very interesting (to me). It’s bloody gorgeous here, I live ten minutes from a ski resort and ten minutes in the opposite direction from fishing and boating in the summer.

So that was two relocations in one year for work. One was completely worth it, the other was a necessity.

If it’s a position in which you can grow with and learn new skills, do it. If you hate it, do it for a year and come back (or, use it as a springboard to go somewhere else).

I also lived in PGH for a number of years, I liked it there.

I changed jobs nearly 2 years ago and made less money and turned down a job that would have made 11k more easily but was a 2 hour daily commute time.

I left the old job because there was no place to go unless someone died and it
was the same crap day in and day out.

Now I’m only 4 miles from home, and work 40 hours/week.
Sure paying the bills is a PITA, but I get to spend a lot more time with the kids. (5 and 3)
I can’t put a numerical value on that time. I also try and hurt my brain at work again.
That in itself was worth the change.

I would need to be offered a job in a better climate with at least 2x my current pay to relocate and uproot the fam.

It would take close to a seven figure income to make me get up and leave. I’ve lived outside of Buffalo before, and with all the positive comes a lot of negative too.

How much Vaca do you get? enough to just cover the holidays back home (xmas, newyear, easter, 4th, etc.)

You would give up all your friends and family for $$$$$ a year? (life must be pretty shitty)

Not knowing your surroundings sucks too. Doctor, Dentist, good car parts store, grocery store, decent places to eat, where to get a deal on things, what parts of town not to go to, decent bars, etc.

Not having any people you can count on/call on for things sucks. (help you work on your car, move furniture, pick you up when your car is in the shop etc.)

The list goes on.

For me, life is good, it would take tons of money, and even then I would only do it for a few years and then go back home and retire.


I would probably relocate for a hot girl.

Cost of living would have to be the same or cheaper. I would also have to be making more money and working less hours!

Not interested in leaving. Maybe for 2-300k but I would just save for a year or two then move back.

man, you guys must suck at making friends.

I love where I live now. I wasn’t a fan of buffalo at all, and I really don’t like the hustle and bustle of LI/NYC. Sorry, don’t mean to rag on it. I know most of you guys love it.