new job offer

Well I have been throwing out alot of job applications lately, just trying to find a better job. Im really happy with what i do now but money talks. Well I got a offer that im going to go check out next week. The pay is double what i make now.I would have to move to West palm beach Florida. I still live at home but have the funds necessary to move out and be on my own. I paid all my debt off to buy a new car here in a few days but I would have to put that on hold. I have an uncle that lives down there. He said I could stay with him till i get on my feet and find a place. I cant decided if i want to get up and leave all my friends but Florida and working a mile from the beach is very tempting. Id like to hear some people thoughts

just some Fyi
check this out first

shit…im moving back to Phoenix…everyone has told me not to go back because the cost of living is WAY higher now…and on average, jobs pay probably about 4-5k more a year there…plus no snow

Salary in Pittsburgh PA: $35,000
Comparable salary in Phoenix AZ: $35,734.73

If you move from Pittsburgh PA to Phoenix AZ…

Groceries will cost: 3.594% less
Housing will cost: 2.874% more
Utilities will cost: 1.281% less
Transportation will cost: 2.868% less
Healthcare will cost: 6.215% more

How old are ya?

You made friends here right?

Why couldn’t you make new friends there?

And if your friends here are true friends you will still stay in touch, so it isn’t like your really losing anything, right?

i am always on the move cause of the Military. friends are easy to find and prob the ones you have here will grow apart cause of relationships mariage kids etc

Good shit ryan:bigok:

Im 21. Looked at some apartments online and I cant belive the shit you can rent. Its not very expensive and its like ocean front. I wont rent for very long but it dosent seem like houseing is that expensive. Im going into work tommorw and im going to try and take my vaction days. If I can get it for this week im going to try and fly down on tuesday. I almost cant wait…

hell yeah…I miss it down there, especially this time of year.

Good luck down there!


I flew to west palm beach on thursday, came back yesterday. I love it. I found a nice little condo right across the street from the water. Im going to take the job. Im going to put my 2 weeks notice in tommorw.

Enjoy dude…

That’s sick, have a blast, and screw pgh man, not much here for people our age.


Man, I’m coming down there for the summer Aaron :slight_smile:

Thats fine all are welcome

Florida will be nice until all the snow caps melt and we have our tsunami.

Didn’t you see The Inconvenient Truth?


Congrats, I just quit my job on monday, I’m starting my new job next week, same scenario, doubling your income is where it’s at :slight_smile: