what would you do

if you were offered a job that you would want in 2-5 years from now?

  1. job pay is insane, like upwards of 2x what i make
  2. job is with a multi-billion dollar company
  3. job is based out of LA
  4. i like my current job / boss a lot…

so what would you do?

LA suxors and i wouldn’t want to live there… i’d also travel a good amount working on site so i could potentially be around pittsburgh on the off days.

job wasn’t officially offered, but a resume request was sent and mock interview and phone interview to decide if they want to send a correspondence for a formal interview.

that’s why i’ve been working on my resume.

so what would you base the decision on? there are a ton more details, but i’m thinking i would actually like my current job more… but there are some perks to the other. i dunno… would you let the money drive you? i still don’t have a degree, so i was going to chill for the next year when i’m all finished up… this company doesn’ care about that and offered to hook me up with UCLA to finish… so i dunno… it was all informal and might never happen… but it’s one of those decisions…


Is there a possibility for your firm to increase in the next 2-5 years?? you hjave to ask yourself that. you said they are going public, and you may get to hire 10 people, which means they have some plan of greatly increasing thier company. and with a sucessful company increase, im sure that your pay would increase…

With LA i could only picture how many rants you have. if you like it here, and are content with the pay. stay here, any money is not worth the feeling of being miserable everyday.

tough decision. I don;t knwo what the cost of living is out there but I wouldn’t personally want to live in LA. Depends on how much that money they offered and it relation to cost of living out there…

humm… i’ll have to check out cost of living out there v here… but the company is based in outter LA… i’m told the ‘nicer’ area… but it’s not a 9-5 deal… i would work from home then get on a plane and fly onsite to wehever… so it’s up in the air… idon’t know if i’d really have to live there or not… still need to talk about it… but i would spend some time there… i dunno. pay would be plenty though… there is absolutely no doubt. and chad, we are bigger and i like this place… my pay is ok, b ut who couldn’t use more money. we should be expanding… we are worth maybe 60 million, where as the new company is worth billions… so it’s hard to see which would be a ‘better’ choice.

anyone have that cost of livign comparision website/

it’s 2x what you make now becuase cost of living in LA is 4x what it is in pitts…amount you make means crap when it comes to cost of living…if i was making what i do now up here in stamford at the office it’d be what the freakin janitors make, back in pitts i feel rich. i was talking to a guy that lives outside LA and another in orange county cali, both of them live in 400k dollar houses that are single floor with patios and no land at all, i said for 100k out here i get a house a big garage and atleast 3 acres

cost of living in LA is insane… just look at some realitor websites and compare some houses… a house in LA that cost $400,000 could prob be picked up here for around $85,000

Ask TJ

dont leave me s0nny!

yeah realestate is insane out there because of how many people live out there. Me and Jenn’s paid apartment would have easily went for 1200-1500 a month and we only paid 320 a month. This is coming form a girl we know who use dto live out there.

go along with them, get the job offer, have your current company counter offer, even if they don’t match it should be pretty good considering the cost of living is ass cheap out here… the costs of living out there will eventually bury the pay increase IMO

that’s the plan

are the rest of you NOT reading? ro didn’t i point out that


i just spent 3 days with a dude that lives in orange county that works there… you work from home… so location is not an issue.

he has a house, it’s a 2 floor, 2 bed, 1.5 bath, with patio, 950+ sq ft and cost $225,500

thanks for the reply’s though!

you’re young and don’t have kids/wife, take the money and travel now while you can. You can settle down with another company later if you want, but take the experience now. my $.02


in respect to having a residence in the state… not me going and buying a house :rolleyes: :eek4dance

and i replied with outside LA and orange county

I c sorry I thought you had to move out there and then from there you would hae to travel…

Tell you what its all going to depend if you don;t mid traveling all the time. My dad was doing this a few years ago doing simalr stuff that you do. He now owns his own buisness. He said it gets old real fast and annoying when they screw shit up, like flights, hotels, and so forth.

same thing, or don’t costs of living increases follow the rental market out there? :greddy: :gives:

stay dude… if you like y our job now just get them to counter offer … besides if you stay and they make a decent counter offer… you’ll be setup for even more money when your company does expand.

i meant something perminate… like the cost of living is up on rental, but i’m not going to LIVE there, no gas, no grocery’s, no shopping for clothes… knw what i mean? i don’t care about paying 1000 for an apartment to crash at.

we’ll see if something actually does happen.

game plan is to finish resume, send out, wait to hear, interview, get details, present my current boss with details.

50k in la = 20 to 25k k in pa… i allready looked into this for a job i was applying at.