job offer is it worth it ?


i have a buddy from houston, he loves it down there, says it is very affordable to live and the weather is amazing.

i never move unless it’s 20% or some sort of comparative benefit

tell them to put you up in the penthouse… and provide hookers 24-7 … nice weather… id move in a second.

any relo benefits?

my wife asked her father the same question about making a counter offer… do it, don’t ask just set your demands. Her dad is the Senior vice president of Human Resources of a fairly large utility company (not pgh based) … your response says a lot about you, and will determine how they treat you in the future. For example, if you settle low now, then when it comes time for your annual review they will lo ball you again. most offers are structured lower than their actual budgeted amount… but it’s not just the money difference, but the entire relocation package

relocation benefits are a must. IMO 5% isn’t enough for the risk of hatred.

yeah may onlyt be a 5% increase on paper…but cost of living willl be about a 15% compared to baltimore…

houston is an awosme place…about the only place in texas i would live i like san antonio alot but love houston…

here is the question for you can you move up quicker there or here…

you allready made the hardest jump and thats moving away from home…so what hopping over to texas awsome weather hot yes in summer but managable…

money isnt everything…its nice but your young make your moves now invest your money wisely and then pick where you wanna live…

That is a far way to move…but the cost of living there is cheap…you can get a really nice house for less than here. I personally would want more than 11% raise to move that far.

relocation isn’t a must… maybe i’m just talking my field, b ut ANYTIME relocation comes up you’re then dealing with contracted work for x years, or some goofy non-compete with a crap salary… at least 2 times over i’ve been offered both packages, one with relo and one without and both times it was more beneficial to move myself. Granted i’m not married with kids (nor is silver) so that’s why it’s not even really a consideration. so my point is that i would never say that relocation is a must, companies that are large enough to move people around a lot would love to simply pay for the move and be done. get your money’s worth and make sure you’re happy with the decision…

Texas wouldn’t be terrible… i guess? i don’t want rocks and sand for a front yard though.

do you know spanish?

My sister lives in Dallas now and is moving to Houston in july. She loves it down there.

I would take the job for the same pay to get a better city with better weather. :smiley:

good luck

It’s not always about money. If everything else is great, then why not? My boyfriend just got out of retail and took at $13,000 loss on salary, but now he only works 35 hours a week (if that) and is obtaining a free education at a private university. A lot of times the benefits outweigh the salary

yeah i can move my entire belongings in my car. so moving expenses is basically just gasoline. I just gotta check to see if i can get 10 % out of them. yeah cost of living is cheaper but since i have a roomate now the cost will remain the same. so basically il just be getting a small raise. They said ohh its 31% cheaper to live but thats if you own a house etc. Even if they cant do 10 % at least i still have a job in baltimore and can keep looking for another place that will offer me what i want. Hopefully ill know where i stand at the end of the day.

actually it is… if it’s not then you wouldn’t of mentioned the loss he took and the rational for why the loss (of money) is acceptable…

trust me, i get your point… but we don’t go to work for early out fridays and free tuition… we work for money… plain and simple. if some employer tries to tell me about days off or work environment, those are benefits to a position and not reasons to get hired… time is money.

I have a coworker who could easily make twice of what he is making now in corporate, but would never have the time he has now with his family. Sometime benefits do out weigh the cost of salary.

that is outweighting work vs. personal time… and guess what time is??? money:)

ask your friend this, if it’s really work vs home, why does he come to work? i’m going to guess it’s not his cubicle or laptop but rather his paycheck.


Obviously we all have to have some kind of income, but the amount of it may take a back seat to other things.

mike, dont you currently live with ur sis? wouldnt that raise ur living expenses being on your own? how often do you like to come see ur fam? will the extra money you earn make up for your extra traveling expanses?

Way too risky for 5% raise- especially with the current national job market. Stay where you’re at.

pics of said sisters in this thread!


What’s that old quote, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got”

go for it