move or stay????

i just got offered a promotion at my job. problem is, its out of state. i have no kids, no mortgage, live with my brother, have a fiance(she will go), and have to think if i want to do it. i really want to do it. i think everyone needs time to get away and start over for a while, and i could always transfer back. and the good news is if i transfer back, they won’t reduce my pay if i come back to PA. but i really love the city here, and have a lot of friends, a lot of friends. but i think im gonna try it. its a great chance to move up, and they are opening new places every 6 months, so im getting my foot in the door at the right time. so the sky is really the limit for me with the company, and i think out of state there are less distractions, so i can devote more time to work.

good move.

where are u going?


if your going south or west coast go for it. if your moving to some small town to hell with it. I would be sooooo out of pittsburgh if i didn’t have a daughter here.

So…what do u do and where is this move to? U seemed to of missed the small details and u expect us (Pittspeeders) to give u an honest and respectfull opinion based upon this useless information u have givin us?


move for a month, move back and still have the pay that you moved for :kekegay:

click :ignore postes: ok so anyway, do what you feel will better you. Where is this job offer at?

Where is the move too? I am in the same boat, my move being Charleston, SC. I dont have any kids, no mortgage, I live by myself, and 1 possibly 2 of my friends are going down there too. Ahhhh the tough decisions. If its somewhere nice, I say go for it!

give it a shot, you only live once.


+1 Where???

It’s the best time in your life right now to go and do it!!! Before you are settled and with kids, it will be an experience no matter where it is.

Unless it’s a hick little town with a stop sign and a post office, go for it!!!

being a restaurant manager, i’ve been in restaurants my whole life, and managed some in pgh, but the one im at now offered me a big $ increase if i’d go out of state. the region id go to would either be Ny, Nj, Md, or Va.

Just make sure to check apartment costs for the specific area first. That could eat up the $$ quick.

im not worried about the cost of living. they will put me up in a hotel/corporate housing for 3 months, pay for me and my fiance to move, and they adjust your pay for the cost of living($42k here=$70-80$k Ny). i have to find where im going, then im going to check out the area for a weekend and see what there is far as houses/apartments. its only a 1-2 year max thing, they will put me back here after that if i want, so i’ll see what up.

Oh then, what the hell. I was in restaurants for 15+ years. I held all positions from dishwasher to GM. Are you the GM or are you a Floor/Kitchen manager? Is this position going to be training of sorts for a GM position? Or maybe an AD position? Having been in the restaurant business in upper management, I would say this is an upwards move opportunity, why wouldn’t you take it? Push for VA, it’s nice down there, way warmer in the winter. My home state. :slight_smile:

i am going to take it. i am starting at a level 5 kitchen manager. they have 5 levels, and 1 is the top. every time you go up a level, its $10k raise. i know for sure if i was in opgh, it would be at least 46$k to start, so i know i’ll be ok wherever they put me.

If there’s nothing holding you back I’d go for it. I moved away 8 months ago and can’t say I really regret it. You’ll make new friends where ever you go. I sometimes miss Pittsburgh, but then I think about how much I hate winter in the north east.

anywhere without an internet connection