well i have some options

well i have been dating this girl for a year now, her name is brittny, and she is prob. the best thing that has happened to me! I love her soo much and she means soo much to me!!! But some things have come up in the past week! She, and her family is from texas, and her dads company mignt be starting up a new headquarters in houston, TX or he might be getting a different job with a new company in Houston, TX. And Brittny will be moving with them and go to college near Houston. I was left this optoin from her dad.

I can move down to houston with them and live with her grandparents (who live her now and i konw very well) until i get on my feet and get my own place down there!! Her grandparents will live 20 min. from Brittnys parents and like 45min. from brittnys school. About a job, well for you that dont know, my dad owns a landscaping company and i have worked from him forever! Brittnys dads best friend owns a huge landscape company in Houston and has a bunch of mexicans working for him, and said i could become a foreman for him, and i was also thinking of going to school to get a degree in Landscape Design.

Or i can stay here in da 'burgh. Be with my friends and family. And who knows maybe see brittny once and awhile.

idk id just some opinions on what u guys or girls would do!

:rofl: you dont want to get involved working for the Girlfriends family.
It will become a nuisance and all the misery rolled up into one.

If you do plan to move, Get a seperate job from the familys business.
You dont want the entire family knowing your personal shit either.

Been there done that :down:

Wow… true words of wisdom… from SHAG!!! Seriously 100% true though. I mean, you say you’re just going to live w/ the old folks 'till you get on your feet so I guess that’s okay. But if the rent is super cheap it’ll be hard to leave. And if you move right into a forman job it’s going to be hard to find anything that pays equally outside of “the family.” But at least that’s just her dad’s friend’s company. And unless you’re actually working w/ her dad’s freind (or his sons or whatever) things probably won’t get back to her dad. But you know some of the shit you say around the guys at work you don’t want getting back to her dad and her. :wink:

That being said I don’t know what I’d do if my current gf was moving across the country and I had a similar chance to go. Good luck.


why you use all the things given to you by her family to your advantage. besides you know that you should start saving as much money as possible before any of this takes place. you horde your money and save as much as you can so you have a buffer. then you live with the g-parents for a while a few months atleast… again save all the money you can. you also use the foreman job as a way to gain experience and then move to a better company that pays more. rememeber you have to stay with the present landscaping company long enough to get a decent amount of experience so it looks good on a resume and future applications.

once you think you have a decent and i mean decent wad of cash… id say no less than 5000 you move out, get your own place closer to her house or college doesnt matter. you might even be able to get an apartment near her college and have her move in with you. then find a better job at a different landscaping company. all you have to do is watch what you say and when you say it cause im sure you will be under a microscope.

dont do it justin. things will become bad in the long run. its to early for you guys to live together or even live with family. take this from experience also. try to keep the long distance working but honestly they fall apart after some time. and remember this bros before hoes [not saying she is one]. if you choose to be with her and in a few months youll start to have mix feelings about hte decison you just made. Youll miss your boys and living with her youll be nothing more then involved into her life and her new friends. well godo luck

Well, I got married when I was 20. I’m 49 now and still married (to the same girl). Could that be an option? Otherwise, you have a better chance to make it in Texas than the Burg, although it may be tough bossin’ a buncha Mexicans. There is a lot of industry in Texas. I say if you are truly in love, go for it man.

you hate women and listen to what most people tell you huh?

ive been living with my now fiance since we pretty mcuh started dating… and havent had any problems what so ever… it all depends on communication

hannibal…id def. save up a lot of money before i went down there!!! and when i got down there id try and save up even more money!! property down there is cheap!! her grandparents are looking to get a house thats 4 bedroom 2 baths and an attached 2 car garage for 125,000…thats pretty cheap…soo i htink i can get a decent house down there!! and for working…ya ill be incharge of a bunch of different mexicans…i meet this guy before and he is really cool!!! and we talked of me going or taking some landscape design classes before…and he was like…well if u ever move to houston…id take u on my crew…make u a foreman…and talk about gettin some classes under your belt for landscape design…oh ya most of my stuff would be moved by Brittnys dads company and i wouldnt have to worry about getting my stuff down there…that includes my car!!

quik your right…it will be hard to leave my friends…i mean i grew up with these guys since the 3rd grade!!! but most of em are like go for it!! we will come down and visit!!! i mean id love to leave the burgh and see what its like in the south!!! idk…ive got some time to think…if i did move…it would be in the summer!!

Shag had some good advice…but every family is different.

I’ve been married twice, my experience says family is for spoiling grandkids and family get togethers…holidays…fun.

Cross the line into personal/financial you risk privacy issues and constant second guessing.

If this is the girl, you and her buckle down and do it on your own.

Just my 2 cents.

whatever you do, make sure we get to eat up that camaro before you make your decison up

haha quik…no problem…we can race before i leave…if i leave…

29 years is pretty impressive, especially getting married at such a young age.

i going on 18years with same girl!!! :kiss:

you’re too young to center your life around this girl

not really ,met my wife when i was only 20! :smiley: :bigthumb:

same here… Lory moved in with me about 1 mo into dating. as long as you both get some time to yourselves (ie. a small amount of space when needed) everything should be fin. i honestly think thatit would make your relationship stronger.

and as GeneralG said… if she’s the one, buckle down and do it together.

you also didn’t just turn 20

i did

I say go for it. You learn from your experiences. If its bad, you will learn something, if it’s good then you will know you did the right thing.

Not too hard of a decision. I am in the process of deciding if I should end my relationship or not. I wish there was an easy one for that!

i think im going to do it!!! if something goes wrong…i can always move back home!! i think it will be a neat experince!!! and soo what if im 20…id like to leave the burgh and go somewhere else!! and in houston…f-bodys everywhere!!! and the weather is awsome!!