How much would it take for you to relocate...

It does help if you move to where you know people. But then again i lost my job in Buffalo and wanted to get out for a few years. And friends and family offered me rooms, so why not!

For me it is a family thing more then anything else. But life long friends are deff a plus for me.

If I could get a $500,000(cost of moving my company) grant from Wyoming I would move tomorrow. lol

wouldnt your real income then drop by like 25%…

also, there are tons of newmans out there… you’ll stand out so much less… fuck all that noise.

That is because you live in FL, that place sucks… just ask skunky poo

Pittsburgh is only a 3 hour drive from Buffalo as opposed to a 6 hour flight or something. So friends and family wouldn’t be that far away people. I moved to Pittsburgh 8 years ago without knowing anyone and I managed just fine. However, my boyfriend who moved here with me at the time could not handle being away from his friends and only lasted here for 5 months. But meeting new people and getting acquainted to a new place is part of the deal.

Did you forget you are talking to a bunch of people on an internet message board? :lol:

On a serious note:

You need to determine how close you are to getting the job. If they really want you and you have a ton of skills they want, then you are probably going to get a bonus to move there or something. If you are in the running with a bunch of other candidates that are equal to you, they probably will tell you to go pound salt.

Also, if they are willing to pay you to move there, you can feel a little better about the company being in a stable position at that point in time. Don’t ask for a contract becuase a) they can base it on performance or a bunch of other factors to keep them free to fire you and let you go. Think of this request from the company position. b) if the company goes bankrupt, they can not be liable to pay you for their contract with you so you are still SOL.

Do your research on the company, look up people who work for them, etc. Some deals may sound awesome but you need to find out what the company is looking for and the position they are in.

it wouldnt take much, i’m interested / actively looking for jobs in southern/western markets.

If you are single with no real local ties and responsibilities woman kids mortgage etc you should be out renting a moving truck instead of posting here.

I don’t care. As of late, I’ve been less into stuff and more into activities…


Don’t get me wrong I love my family but I’m not THAT close with them, I’ve always been independent and have had a life-long hatred for this city and state. I would not hesitate to move somewhere better, no offense but I can make new friends and those life-long childhood friends can always visit me while I rub in how much better and happier I am to NOT live in Failville, USA.

I have soo much more room for activities now that I’m in Houston.

I’ve confirmed as of yesterday that both the corvette and the M3 can fit into my garage with ~4feet of space around each of them. Yippy

I’ve thought about Houston alot latly. They have a bad ass car scene too, dont they? Seems like a great place to live and cheap housing!

I meant like snowboarding and skateboarding and shit. Shit that doesn’t cost a lot of money.

However, I would have a hard time moving to houston even for double my current salary. I fucking HATE it there.

red states… gross.



Thanks guys.
lots of good input!

Like I said, the money is great, but I also really really like the chance to better my skills.
Being a profession where skills is more or less everything (welding)…
If you have a job that limits you, it kind of sucks!
Considering there’s not really much around buffalo anyway…

Lot’s of welding jobs, yes.
Welding jobs that actually involve a WPS continually, and plenty of X-ray work… not so much.


Double my current base and I would go to an area of interest, not some random crap city.