Anyone ever lived in the South, if so, where?

So with this summer coming up, I’ll potentially be headed to North Carolina or Georgia for work. Its been a dream of mine for a long time to move south, its where I’ve always wanted to live after college. This summer is going to be mostly a living experiment but it will also be an experiment to see how I like the company (or companies) I’ll be working for.

I was wondering if anyone has ever lived in the south, if so where, when and what was it like? And anything else you want to share obviously…



Talk to capitalcrew about his move to Tennessee

I haven’t lived south, but I have spent a LOT of time in Clearwater/St. Pete/Tampa, FL. LOVE THE PLACE. If it wasn’t for my family and my job (I’d be hard pressed to find a job like I have ANYWHERE - meaning the environment, the benefits, the location [7 miles from home])…I’d be gone already. I know that’s a lot of IF’s…but I’m hoping one day I can move to FL.

St. Pete is probably my favorite. Laid back, clean, lots of shops everywhere for everything…love it down there.

Take it for what it’s worth. I’ve spent about 1.5 months there total between all the trips I’ve made there.

living in south florida right now and couldn’t be happier. Beautiful weather, 20 mins from the beach, 30 mins from south beach and all the entertainment you could possibly want

That’s the main thing I feel like I would be struggling with is missing family and friends. I have people who may come with me that I think would make the transition easier, but I think the only way I will really know how I’ll feel is if I make the move and find out.

I rather be shot before I go back to Georgia.

I worried about missing friends, then i realized i’m an adult and need to take care of my life and what makes me happy, and I still stay in touch with my friends

Im really too close to my family to move far away. Almost all of my family is within 40 minutes or so from my house and my extended family is pretty close and we get together quite a bit.

What was bad about it? Area, people?

Thats ultimately the conclusion I’ve been coming to. With everything finally starting to happen I’ve been really giving thought to what is going to make me happy, and especially at RPI, everyone is going to part ways no matter what since my friends are from all across the country.


If you are smart you will move out of NYS and never look back. Fuck this place.

Please elaborate?

i lived in wilmington, nc. it was decent, but finding a good job is tough there. raleigh would be a better location to do so.

How can you NOT want to live in FL? :lol

Pics I took from my last trip there (Spring Break this past year):


St. Pete Beach near Don Cesar Resort…

At a resort in west palm beach :lol. This bird stole half the dudes food this way…this was like the 3rd time it came back that I had the time (and camera ready) to snap a pic.

Florida is not the south. It is the north minus the mountains and plus nice weather.

Nashville is a cool city. It’s fun to visit. I would never move back though. The people are SHIT down there, and people are more important to me than any other aspect of living. I can’t speak for any other part of the south. No, I can’t elaborate. I was there for three months and loved certain aspects, but they never made up for the people. Fuck that shit. Upstate NY is great.

:lol…maybe. It IS filled with a bunch of old NY’ers. lol.

I think Nick is a warm weather person like me…still ask my parents to this day why they picked NY of all places when moving to the states :lol.

I’m a warm weather person too. That’s why I moved. I’d rather be in the cold than be in the company of nothing but southerners though.

I think a certain percentage of each state has a group of people that say this.

Fuck the south. Move to Nevada.

I hear Nebraska (Omaha) is pretty damn nice. This kid I know is thinking about doing his residency there and has been doing a lot of research on their area. He’s been raving about it for weeks.

so you can’t stand people who are overly nice to you and really genuinely want to know how you day has been when they ask you? yea me either, shit pisses me off when i visit my sister.

my sister lives right outside of nashville in murfreesboro and absolutely loves it and tries to convince me to move down there. i wont because i wont give up snowboarding, so for that fact alone the south is useless to me and i will never live there.