Know anything about NC? Raleigh? Fayetteville?

My fiance and I are thinking about moving in a year after we’re married. We’ve got no kids and nothing really tying us down so we want to go live somewhere else for a few years. Enjoy some sun and warmth and growing economies. We’ll probably move back to be near our families when we have kids later on.

I want to move someplace that has never heard of seasonal depression, someplace that I can trade the Jetta for a RWD vert for a DD like an MR2 Spyder, Stook, or Stang GT vert.

So, we’re thinking about flying down for a weekend soon to have a look around. She kind of likes the idea of Fayetteville, but I don’t like that it’s more than an hour from a big city and is probably a stodgy military community since it’s practically on top of Fort Bragg. Yes/no? Plus there are more engineering jobs for me in major cities.

I like the idea of moving to a suburb of Raleigh/Durham. I’ve read good things about Cary.

So, has anybody ever lived near or visitied near Raleigh, Fayetteville, or anywhere else in NC? Impressions? Is that far enough south that people have a southern drawl? That would annoy the fuck out of me, because I’d probably pick it up pretty quickly. :tdown:

Other suggestions and reasoning? VA?

Thanks y’all.

Denton lives there (my brother)

aside from pscho christian rednecks i guess the weather is nice

I know a few people in Raleigh and a good friend of mine lives in Fayetteville.

lots of hicks and lots of ghetto

cost of living is mad d d d high in raleigh. but like silencingmachine says, very clean and nice area

fayetteville has a lot of military peeps everywhere…

i wouldn’t move to either location. they’re both nice, but i feel like a dirtbag even when i’m in the newest, cleanest clothes i have around raleigh. and i dunno. i just don’t fit in well with military folk Everywhere

but these are just my impressions. mine and mine alone… but i’ve spent a decent amount of time in both locales. Which is why i’m moving to raleigh - avoid those two elements, get closer to water (yes, i know - hurricanes as well :tdown: ) and the beach. if the beach holds no appeal, i’d consider charlotte. since moving from the southern tier to buffalo, i’m spoiled on bigger cities, and from my experience down south, i REALLY want a semitropical climate. best of both/all worlds to me :slight_smile:

Cary is really nice, I’m moving there in <2 months. :smiley:

Denton will tell you (as he has me) that the infrastructure isn’t as solid as it could be; which is totally true. They have some problems with utilities, especially water so they have restrictive water usage most of the time.

DON’T for the love of god move to WV (VA… eh maybe… not so bad depending on the area).

I’d say honestly – you should drive there. Once you go through VA… you might like it… might not. If you want to drive a pick-me-up truck you’ll fit right in lol.

Raleigh is great though, seriously. It’s unbelievably clean and safe for a capital city.

Durham… not so much. Durham is more like buffalo… you know; you turn on the news and ‘two murders overnight in the city of buffalo’, ‘three houses burned down in the city of buffalo’. Those are the same things you’ll hear from Durham.

My uncle lives around Cary, I visted him last summer, super nice area economically and naturally, there are a lot of 500,000 and million dollar houses, tons of nice cars out at all times. The city is not too far away which may be good for you. Also there are a few small lakes to enjoy nearby.

I did not like was that everything was in strip malls or this one huge mall they had. The restaurants were not as good as buffalo and twice the price. Mostly chain restaurants. I do not like the idea of gated communities in which they had several.

what are you basing your cost of living on? homes? because they pay like <10% of what Erie county pays for real estate tax.

seriously though; for what we pay in rent here (in buffalo) for a ‘luxury’ 1bed/1bath/fireplace/high ceiling/etc apartment – we are getting (there) a brand new (first occupant) 2bed/2bath/garage/high ceiling/granite countertop/wet bar/etc. literally the same price.

no flames at all, i’m seriously interested in what you’re saying…

That’s where my old teg was from :frowning:

WORD to everything said. I had a sales route in Fayettenam. Avoid that shit at all costs. There’s a new dead soldier coming home everyday and that shit gets to everyone. Regardless of how you feel about politics and the war, everyone in Fayetteville is directly effected.

Raleigh is nice though. It’s a real different culture down here. Not necessarily bad just different.

As far as the suburbs go, I hold a grudge against Cary just because there’s so many people from WNY there it’s a little silly. It’s kind of like an island of yankees in a sea of rednecks. I really like following areas and would move to any of them. Apex, Holly Springs, Fuquay Varina, Knightdale, Clayton and Cleveland/40-42.

So this yankee is driving through Fuquay Varina and notices alot of signs. He wonders how one pronounces Fuquay Varina. He giggles to himself as he mutters “fucking vagina.” He figures this is as good a place as any to get a bite to eat. So he walks into a Burger King and orders a #1 with cheese. Then he asks the doofus behind the counter, “How do you pronounce the name of this place?”
To which the pimple faced kid with a mullet says, “Burrrrr gurrrrr keeennng”


BikerFry- If you would like to come down for a weekend to check things out, I will offer my fiance and myself as your personal tour guides and weekend drinking buddies. We will tell you anything you want to know, from a yankee perspective. Same goes for anyone else.

Side note, of anywhere I’ve been on the east coast and where I’d like to live (friends and family aside) Raleigh is #2 Wilmington NC is #1

I visited there a few years ago with the intent of moving. I dunno, it seemed just like Amherst but all the tinted-out ghetto-looking rides were blasting country music. Honestly, after a week I was bored to death there and decided the place wasn’t for me.

Charlotte was much more interesting, but I only had a day to check it out.

Xrunner lives in Charlotte, and so far he loves it minus his mugging a few weeks ago… lol, he’ll prob chime in later.

I may very well take you up on that offer. :lol: @ Fayettenam
You live in/near Raleigh? I’ll PM you if/when we shedule a trip. We’re thinking about in May.

Haha apparently I’ll be getting into rednecks in pick-em-ups, so is there a southern drawl too?

Well I have officially lived here 7 months now and will now never move back to NY, besides the infastructure things that are still being worked out (only because the area is growing so fast) I have no complaints. As for it being more expensive down here…It’s not. Infact if you do a cost of living comparision on MSN like it comes out to $20 a month extra to live down here. As for apartments and stuff, cary is nice if you are like silencing maching and love sitting in construction traffic all day, North raleigh is nice too. Even apex is starting to grow. Over all just don’t move to Durham or Garner or you will be in the same surroundings as buffalo.

NC has the largest # of distinct accents per square mile of any state in the union. When I first got here I could understand people in Raleigh, but the further away we went the harder it was to understand anyone. Now I can barely notice it. Every once in a while some old prune of a woman with pursed lips and a capri menthol hanging out will say, “Yall aint from round here, are ya?”

HOLY SHIT! We got ourselves a nobel lauriat here folks. This fine specimen has deduced that I am not originally from this area! What was it that gave me away? Was it my perfect diction? The appropriate use of grammatical phrasing? Was it my NYS liscense plate? Is it that my shirt is one that you’ve never seen in wallmart? I know, it must be the fact that I have all of my teeth and do not chew tobacco. Seriously, where else is this okay? I can understand, “So where are you originally from” but “Yall aint from round here” says “You ain’t like me, lets see what kind of forigner you are.”

Sorry, mostly people are great but I’ve encountered a couple real winners today. BTW Today is the first day of the lottery here. Depending on who you talk to, it’s either the new retirement system or a tool of satan and we’re all going to hell.

I make it sound awful, but seriously, the rednecks here aren’t any better or worse than people from the southern tier, they just talk differently, and love Jesus more than you.

Damn you and your lies! Don’t mention Garner and Durham in the same sentence. I’d leave my car unlocked in Garner. I can only assume you are refferring to Garner as “Strip mall Nirvana?”

omg yes do they love their jesus down here…especially if you work a job where you are the minority (white) jesus is in every conversation, i shut them up when i tell them im jewish

I mention both in the same sentence when saying they are garbage :biglol:

So you’re the only white guy where you work and you hate Garner. You must work for ConAgra.

I’m going to start telling people I’m jewish. Just to fuck with em. I used to tell people I was catholic, thinking it would shut down the whole Jesus loves you, and you should come to our church, speech. But I keep getting told that Catholics are idoliters (sp? pumice?) and that they worship the saints and don’t believe in angels. I think if I tell them I’m jewish it could confuse them enough that their head might actually implode.