Anyone ever lived in the South, if so, where?

Fuck those racist pricks!

I’m absolutely a warm weather person. I snowboarded for a few years but have really fallen out of interest with any cold weather sports in college. These days, the cold bothers me more and more every year.
I know from the engineering perspective that southern jobs pay a little less on average and are less abundant, but cost of living is also decently less than NY and I would be happy eventually working for this company, so I’m hoping doing well at this job as an intern will earn me a job there down the road when I finish up school.
Florida is beautiful. I’d give serious thought to it if the right circumstances came along, but I’m not sure how far south I want to go yet. I’m gonna do some exploring while I’m there and visit a bunch of different areas for sure.

I lived in murfreesboro. People just act like they give a shit, they don’t really. It’s all just procedure for them. It’s what they do, it’s how they’re supposed to act. I hated it. They not genuine at all. My favorite people I met while living there?

One from detroit, one from seattle, and one from indiana. None from the area.

If you’re an asshole, be an asshole. If you don’t give a shit, then act like it. I don’t care about being polite or what’s the right way to act. If I don’t like you, or give a shit about you, you’ll know it. I’m not going to pretend. They pretend there. It’s so annoying.

I am in complete agreement with you, people are way too nice down there. i just acted like the asshole i am and continued on with my day.

I haven’t LIVED in any of the east coast southern states, but I lived in Arizona for 9 years. I used to say I am an adult and need to make myself happy and stayed in touch with my friends but you eventually miss the things you take for granted now. You convince yourself that the places you visit when you go on vacation are so great, but that wears off quick when you have to wake up for work every day and fight the traffic. I finally moved back here because the job market went to shit out there when the economy crashed.

IMHO ALL southern states on the East coast SUCK! Humidity, bugs, rednecks and any place that is “nice” is also an overcrowded tourist trap in the peak season and DEAD in the off season. I am sure they are all nice places to live part of the year when you are retired, but to make a living there and still enjoy it is hard. That is why I kept property in Arizona, when I RETIRE I will just live there 6-8 months of the year.

That is only my opinion of course.

Lots of misinformation as usual in this thread. Especially the guy above.

From NY, live in VA now, have lived in a few places now, work all over the east coast. What do you want to know?


The problem with asking other people about where they live or lived in the south is that it’s personal preference, you will get people that say its great and some that say it sucks.

Your best bet is to just go for it and see how you like it.

This. And if you’re going to listen to anyone, dont let it be tourists or people who know somebody who used to live a few hours away from the south.

Also, just like NY/PA/NJ/New England, every little area is hugely different from the next. It’s for some people and not for others. I’m surrounded by everything I love doing, so I couldnt be happier.

Regarding “southerners,” and no one has more fun bashing southerners than I, I live in what was once the capital of the confederacy and there are no sloppy drawling accents, no giant trucks with “cowgirl” vinyl on them, etc. If you go out into the hilljack woods of SC, you can find them - but I can say the same about upstate NY.

Weather: Look at the average temps by months graphs on NOAA or The Weather Channel’s website. Peak summer temps where I live are just about peak summer temps in upstate NY. They last a few weeks longer, but it’s no worse at its peak. I also dont mind summer heat. I do, however, HATE winter. Winter here (VA, still pretty far north) is a couple weeks of 35-40*F in January and then leaves are back on trees. We get occasional snow storms, but its gone and melted 48 hours later. Plus, the world completely shuts down on the few times it happens. You dont have to do crap for 3 days before or after a “snowstorm.” The major climate difference is winter is much much much milder here and only lasts a few weeks, not the 8 months of gray and pain and wind chill in NY. F that noise, never again. I drive year round on max perf summer tires; life is good.

So are you a city person? Suburban? Rural? Good schools/family or single life? What are your hobbies? What’s your profession? To a major degree, your best destination will be whatever is the best career choice. I’d rather be successful and happy with my career in Raleigh than unhappy but near the water in Virginia Beach (pulled cities out of my butt, that’s based on nothing).

Seriously, dont listen to people who vacation in Myrtle Beach once a year or the stereotypes or whatever. That’s not a good barometer of your potential happiness living somewhere else.

And I didnt even get into taxes and government. NYS is lost up their own ass, get out while you can.


i lived in va. beach for 2 years…good times…very fast paced…southern girls are horny as fuck

have fun

Wish my business was in Florida, FL is fucking sick. Sick car scene, would def be driving around like a viper or lambo as my daily all yr round, no emissions, hot ass bitches in bikinis all yr round, beaches and just alotta fun & alotta stuff to do.

how was that first winter for you? (at least if i’m remembering right it was the first year you were down there)

before my sister moved there she said she was gonna miss getting snow days, but she gets more of them down there then up here because everything really does shut down for any amount of snow.

Heading into my third full winter. Last winter was mild, 2 inches on Christmas. Winter before we had two big storms, but it’s all melted in a day or two. Snow days are frequent, even “cold days” when they dont want kids walking to school when its unusually cold out (I mean something in the 20s). Being from NY you just kinda laugh at them then go back to bed since your work is probably closed too.

ORLY? cant wait to goto Kentuck this spring…

^ditto man, it’s gonna be a blast

I’m def hoping its gonna be fun, I’m thinking having a friend or two coming down with me will ease the transition bigtime so I’ll be able to focus on enjoying it more and less on the stress associated with a big move.

Jclark where you at now again? Virginia or DC? I’d move to either. Seems nice and job opportunities are better, for what I want to get into. How ya like it?

I lived in Charlotte for 2 weeks during my summer vacation. It was 100+ degrees every day with high humidity. My car was so heat soaked it probably would have ran a 45 second quarter mile.

I personally like it here in the Capital Region and LOVE winter. I just recently accepted a job offer from Goldman Sachs and begin training next month. There are plenty of jobs around here if you know where to look.
