Moving to Florida

Well I have been thinking about this the last couples of days and I finally made my decision Im moving to Florida. I cant stand PA or can I stand the people around hear. I have to wait until the hurricane shit passes to move. I will be staying in a condo which is my uncles until I can get things going. Hopefully it will be standing when I get there but either way I will be heading south and saying fuck u all especially people from certian areas in pittsburgh. cough cough south hills area cough cough :down: fuck all of u


adout funking time :drama: queen

im going to miss you and i only meet you once

good luck sam. I hear theres a lot of LE jobs down that way

it’s true, brian just gave me a job in sammy’s place, so now JJs will have a real employee



listen here gay boy, I’m stripping your car right now :moon:

save me the airfreshner

I sold it already :op:

Nahh, I’ll refrain from commenting

you suck… south hills is the shit…

considering we have SOOO much to do aroudn here

:rofl: you couldnt even fix the ignition module on your thunderbird.

Sam roxors :bowdown:

They all comeback :kekegay:

Pennsylcania > FL

I hate that fucking place. Its a goddamn swamp, its always 90 degrees with 100% humidity. Fuck that.

did you leave yet


Maybe if I ever get back to my dads condo down there I’ll let you know.

Im waiting for the :bj: you promised :frowning:

well sam said to tell everyone on here goodbye. we just had our last fatheads meal together, at least this one wasn’t interrupted by some annoying broad :crying: