Moving to Florida?

So I have a chance to move to florida right now, would be going to Ft. Myers for the time being and then in a few months moving once again. Not 100% sure on the area we would be possibly relocating to.
Just kind of a spur of the moment thing, where I have been given a place to stay for a few months until I get on my feet.
Anyone else either gone and came back/gone and stayed? I’m kind of torn on the fact of missing friends/family here.
Or for that matter I guess this doesn’t just apply to florida, I guess to anyone that has left where you originally lived and moved 100’s/1000’s of miles away.

That’s where the people from WNY go to retire. My parents have a condo there and it’s all old people.

There is some money around the area is Naples, Sanibel Island, Cape Coral. But it’s a largely populated area by older people.

i just moved to tampa, for atleast 9 months, rent is really expensive around here, but everything else is cheaper

Not the area where my buddies already live, they actually live in the town of ft meyers in ft meyers.

Everytime I talk to them, something is always going on. They are actually up here now, then we’re heading back down when they move. I was supposed to go out tonite, but i’m kind of torn on how hard it’s gunna be missing everyone.

I’ve had two friends move to South Florida (Ft Lauderdale area) in the last three years. Both hated it and moved within the last year.

  1. Real estate was stupid expensive.
  2. Everyone speaks Spanish. As in, if you deal with the public at all, you need to speak Spanish or a lot of places won’t even hire you. One friend’s wife was a nurse, she was flat out told she would probably never find a job in South Florida (part of the United States the last time I checked a map) unless she learned Spanish
  3. Hurricanes suck big time compared to snow storms.
  4. You can simulate the spring/summer/fall weather before moving. Put a space heater in your bathroom, crank it on high, turn on the hot water in your shower. Close the door. Go back in the room in about an hour when its 90+ degrees with 90% humidity.

umm to agree with the people above me…old people go there to retire. my mom and all my grandparents have condos down there. its seems like fun for a vacation but when i have been there for long periods of time…i kinda wanted to shoot myself.

too much traffic…too many old people…and too hot.

ft. myers is ok…i’ve been there a few times…but fl is the same all over. malls, publix, fast food restaurants, old people driving super nice cars very slow causing insane traffic, and 6+ lane roads to everywhere.

but it sucks here and if you can get out…take the opportunity. you can always come back right? just give it a chance…

This is interesting…a lot of Buffalo people talking about what it’s like in Florida while still living in Buffalo.

Why is everyone whining about old people? There’s just as many in Amherst. “Oh no, old people, they drive slow and they’re quiet and sometimes can be good neighbors” They’re not as bad as they seem people.

I’ve lived in Florida for 2+ years right now. I love it.

Wah Wah Wah…i’d rather deal with the heat than the endless winters. Some people say, “Hurricanes are worse than snow storms”. In my opinion, they’re about the same. Except, when a Hurricane is over, there’s nothing to plow, shovel or defrost. Yes, hurricanes can be powerful and destructive, but no matter where you go, there most likely will be some form of severe weather that will cause damage. “Hurricanes suck” is a pathetic excuse. If you move down to Florida, you should know that you will have to deal with them sooner or later. Plus, we’re inland and unless the eye of the storm hits us (i.e. Charlie in 2004) than usually it’s just a lot of rain and some strong gusts of wind. If you’re on the coasts (i.e. Tampa, Key West, Titusville etc.) then you’re more likely to deal with the heavier rain and stronger winds.

Yes there are a fair amount of Senior Citizens BUT don’t forget about the Latino Community either. Nothing like going food shopping and hearing “MIRA MIRA! YO NECESITO COMIDA!” It kind of makes you cringe after a while, especially when a lot of people feel the need to yell. It is pretty populated, but i’m sure it’s not as bad as where I am (Orlando…tourist HELL). The traffic can be bad, but you learn to deal with it. It’s definitely different from Buffalo in MANY ways.

Yes, it can be expensive, yes there’s old people, yes there’s tons of latinos driving around their civics with fart cans but sometimes you have to learn how to deal.

Since you quoted me several times, I’ll assume the “Buffalo people talking about Florida” was about me. :wink:

The last company I worked for was based in Ft. Lauderdale, so I was down there several times a year. it was more than enough for me to base my opinions on.

No, I wasn’t just quoting you. I was quoting multiple people with the same opinions. I understand that some people who have condos down there are in FL several times a year, but they’re not down there every day like I am.

i didnt read this whole thread, but heres what i have to say:

if you are going just to go for a change of scenery, then dont go.
if you already have a good job lined up and gaurenteed, and its in a promising field with a company where you feel that you can climb the corporate ladder and be sucessfull, then do it.

my best friend’s brother just moved there with his fiance. they both got jobs teaching starting at like 66K a year each (or something around there). my cousin is in real estate and he’s making an absolute KILLING down there.

and i kno u are hung up over the missing friends and family thing, but dont look at it that way. look at it as a new opportunity to meet new people, become sucessfull in the corporate world, and begin to set youself up to enjoy the rest of your life. you can always come back to visit.

Ohh anyone that knows me, knows I could very easily meet alot of new people. I’m not going down there because of a job. I’m going down there because I’m young and I can and I don’t see why I shouldn’t take a chance. Don’t forget I would also have three of my friends living with me.
However there will be ALOT of people that I will miss up here a great deal.

well, whats your situation here? are you going to school? have a solid job with a steady income? i just think going there ‘because you can’ seems kidna pointless if you’re doing ok for yourself up here. if your kidna up shits creek right now, and u got nothing to loose, then what the hell? but i would do a little research first, and try and get a job first down there. it sounds like your jumpin into this and not really thinking things through.

Florida is pure evil.

At least from my call-center polluted point of view. :slight_smile:

I am fine financially, with a steady income from a business that we run up here which literally takes up 10 hours a month of my time. That I can do from down there just as easy. I am going down there to take a chance, hopefully start something of the same lines down there. I also have plenty of oppurtunity down there, worst case scenario I have 5 years of retail management experiance. So therefore could very easily have a 40 hour a week job making an extremely reasonable salary.

However, that is not the main reason I posted this. I think what I was looking for was how do people make the move and be ok with missing all of your friends/family up here?

BTW if you have never moved across the country, plz don’t try and give me advice.
not directed towards anyone specifically but like katie said, how would you know?

lol…i’ll see ya in 3 months when i move :slight_smile:

Eh, the move took 2 days and it was actually a nice drive minus the horrible thunderstorms in South Carolina. I do miss my friends and family, but i’m really happy in FL because it’s a better life for me. Up in Buffalo I wasn’t doing anything, and I had my crappy receptionist job where I wasn’t happy. I moved because I knew Florida was a better opportunity for me, plus i’ve always wanted to work for Disney.

I lived in Fort Myers Cape coral for 9 years its awesome but the old people suck at driving and now its over populated

I can’t believe thats true. They pay teachers absolute shit in florida. Thats one of the reasons their eductaion system sucks…alot.

JettaX speaks the truth…

I have lived away from my family since I was 21. I am 30 now, no family here in Blo, or others places I have lived. You will get homesick for a little while, but as things pick up, it will fade away. Do it! You’re young. Take chances, experience life. I have lived all over the country, and I don’t regret it one bit, maybe except for moving to Blo, cause this place sucks.