Thinking of moving to Raleigh... Anyone have info on...

the city, people, climate, etc… down there? They have a hell of a booming job market, alot of jobs in the field that I’m interested in (Marketing/Advertising/Sales). I never really wanted to move out of Pittsburgh, and I honestly think that I will eventually be back, but there are some extenuating circumstances that are dictating a move for me in the Raleigh area…

Anyone been there before or have any good info on the city? Thanks in advance.

My family has friends that moved to a town about 20 minutes from Raleigh a few years back (about 10 years to be exact) and they love it. They are raising a family and they both have great jobs. They have no complaints and love the schools…

Everytime I talk to them they are nothing but happy that they moved there and got out of Connecticut.

my .02

A friend of mine from high school moved to the Raleigh/Durham area for work and ended up staying there. He loves it too.

fuck the South. Im less than 100 miles south of the Mason-Dixon and it can be kinda :ugh:

The raleigh-durham area is really nice–very clean city. Growing in leaps and bounds as far as development is concerned.

The weather is nice and mild down there too. Don’t listen to Darkstar, the south isn’t bad at all, you make the most of where you live…I grew up in Richmond, VA and it was a great place to live. There are :mullet: everywhere, not just restricted to the south :wink:

Notice the total annual snowfall for raleigh :smiley: BONUS