MP3 Downloads

Thats why we have you :slight_smile:

lol yeah :slight_smile:

Im bumping this, alltunes is no longer accepting credit cards, so i just joined, by far the cheapest, 9 cent per song. Seems alltunes or allofmp3 after they got shut down, cannot accept credit cards for some reason, the site is still up and running but for us in the USA its a bitch to get any type of funding to them. They recommend using cpass but i went to sign up there and they cant take Mastercards lol WTF.

So i recommend this new one, cheap songs, 192kbps or VBR, huge library.

Paying for stolen music? This is a joke, right? So not only do you still get in the same amount of trouble, you pay to get in said trouble? I think I’ll stay with SoulSeek.

wtf are u talking about, stolen music???

haha keep using p2p

I need MP3s… who wants to help a brotha out?