Mr. Gasket copper gasket local

Hey guys
Do you guys any local GTA sources for what I’m looking for above?
I don’t want oem if you’d like to suggest that.

If I can’t get it local i’ll have to get it from AMS and it’d be kind of retarded to pay 20 dollars shipping for a 20 dollar gasket.


I searched first of course, no real answers provided in previous threads.

Try this place:

Lupo’s Autoworld
910 Rowntree Dairy Rd, Woodbridge, ON L4L 5W6
Telephone : 905-851-7226

And these guys can probably order you one, they have two locations one in Woodbridge and one in Oakville or somewhere around there.

Good luck dude.

canadian tire foo, or partsource

im pretty sure mr.gasket are like 200bucks 20 bucks is great price