MS Small Business Server 2003 Demo Disk?

I’m looking for anyone that might have a copy of the trial disc for MS Small Business Server 2003… ? I want to try it out before I go convincing my boss that we should buy 20+ licenses and the software to make sure it’s what we need.

(yes, I know I can order it from the website, but that would also require me paying shipping and handling for MS to ship it to me)

Have the boss pick up the shipping costs.

i have a dell server that came with small business server 2003 on it. it came with 3 cd’s. is that what you are looking for?

sorry, i dont know much about computers.

no, I’m looking for a trial disk. That would be a full-blown disk w/ serial number and such.

I’m not putting $6.41 on a company credit card so that I can get bitched at… I was hoping someone who works in IT would have one (sonny)

I can’t speak for him, but I doubt he will have it as the company he works for is the opposite of small. Have you tried a bittorent or limewire? You can usually find software there, but it’s your resposibility to scan for viruses, etc, and sometimes they are hit or miss.

Getting the software is the easy part. Getting legite serial numbers/registration is where people will have trouble.

If you are planning on getting the disk to gather information for the company - the company should pay for it. $6.41 cents should be nothing to any reputable business in search of some answers. If you are doing this for your own knowledge to apply towards a company thats a little bit different. If your boss won’t dish out $7, I wish you luck on asking for software that could possibly push $1,000.

It’s more like I don’t feel like getting questions about the $6.41 charge, and then have him say “Why are you spending money on trial software for something that we don’t need?” when he doesn’t realize that we DO need it! I’ve been thrown into the IT department (the sole employee of the IT department) and he discussed on Monday using one of the old computers as a server, blah blah blah, but he doesn’t realize how intricate it really is.

Well, if no one has one, I guess I’ll just take my changes with the $6.41. Worst comes to worse, I’ll just fork over the $6.41 myself.

tell him to quit being a cheap bastard and if he really wants to reap the benefits of an upgrade, this is part of the trial process :blah:

jenn… jsut email me directly.

i have technet bullshit wtih small business on it… i can search for you if you still need it!

your email addy?