MTV Rant

Okay, so last night I’m waiting for sons of anarchy to start after I got done watching Hells Kitchen.

The girlfriend decides to turn on MTV and watch tool academy. Okay whatever, but then I got thinking. What the fuck happened to MTV?

When did MTV (Music Television) Become about stupid scripted reality shows. What even drives me more crazy is how people can watch some of these shows when you can blatantly tell the shits scripted.

Do they even play music videos anymore? Like the whole video? Last time I saw one on they played half of it then went back to whatever other bullshit they started.

I remember when all they used to play was music videos, they had some other small things here and there throughout the day but they used to at least play music vids throuout the day.

VH1 is getting just as bad if its not already.

Vh1 is worse than MTV, its the welfare version of MTV. Either way both suck, but i will admit that tool academy is hilarious.

I remember years ago they started MTV2 so that they could still play all the bullshit on regular MTV and music on MTV2. Last I saw MTV2 was all bullshit and no music also, it may not even be a station anymore. I do not think they play music videos at all anymore but clearly remember when they did (maybe 10 years ago?). VH1 still plays videos in the morning until maybe 10am, everything else they have is trash and worse than MTV…

I think they still have the top20 video countdown in the morniings. I usually turn it on when i wake up

CMT still plays whole videos every morning!!!

nobody cares about country music though

mtv shows FTL

Aparently you aren’t aware as to why VH1, MTV all play reality shows.

Because stupid MFers in the 13-28 age range watch STUPID reality shows and the network generates RETARDED amounts of money from advertising etc. Costs them nothing to make those shows except renting some mansion somewhere in CA.

Playing music videos on the air does nothing for profits.

Btw, VH1 is the pit of the world, worst network on the planet.

ummmm lifetime??

At leats lifetime has movies, Tool Academy, I love New York, The Love of Money? These shows ruin teenies brains thinking it’s OK to date/love/marry someone because of money.


Lifetime is a network the tells women that men are all worthless pig who will beat, rape and or cheat on them and that it is okay to cheat on their husband who is never home cause he is out busting his ass providing for his family as long as the slut really think she loves the guy.

I win.

ummm about late 1990’s lol

they still play full music videos from the time of 4-8am. but only for like an hour of that block depending on the day depends on the time.

all started with the real world

I’m a teenie and have never heard of any of those three shows. Completely serious :lol

audrina patridge from Laguna beach/hills :excited

Thats the only thing good on there.

A+ thread.

Google the nudes of her, good stuff.

S.O.A was good last night. i hope you got to see it…fuck mtv!

Multiple times that has occured :shifty