mug shot thread

Fight Club just popped into my head :rofl



i think they actually raised it to 17 in recent years after some NYC teacher got a 16 prego and they couldn’t prosecute

if they are real mug shots why no profile?

someone do me lol… take that as you will

oh and they wouldn’t likely have such smug ‘pleased with themselves’ look on thier faces if they were at the police station, but everybodies different

I took the mugshots right out of the APD’s PDF documents, they are 100% real.

how do you access those?

APD lists them on their Facebook page, I know that much.

Bingo. I had to go back quite a bit to find them though.

how does one find thier pretty picture when they are arrested by Colonie PD?

btw, thats pretty pathetic that it’s part of someones job to throw up pics on facebook over petty larceny.

thats got to be a lot of photos in albany lol

why not just have them auto post to the PD’s website or something

just out of curiocity, why are they posted 4 times? its the same info each time isn’t it?

To really drive the point home.

I love having the APD thing on my facebook, some great mug shots. I think KK’s avatar is still that crazy black guy i posted the pic of here

Someone needs to dig up that sisterfuckers mug shot

does colonie pd have a facebook page loL?

faggots get a life



omg neg rep on a forum thats full of 30 year old losers who are sitting up at 1:18am with nothing better to do OMG NEG REP

sure beats being a criminal, doesnt it?