mug shot thread

LMAO im a criminal? i work 40 hours a week…most criminals dont do that eh? im not gunna sit here and defend myself for a bunch of faggots…saw some of you at the adirondack nationals and noone had a thing to say but you go on here and talk shit, cause your a bunch of losers.

I’m 21 and doing laundry for work in the morning, it’s also only 12:30 here. :dunno

Y u mad br0.?

Brett knows what’s up.

Being a cool young criminal with a slow peice of shit car is winning for sure.

some of us have better things to do than seek out trouble from some young hoodlum. youre a nobody, worthless pile of white trash. dont you owe people money right now? should probably pay up.

im sure when im your age my car will be alot nicer then your american car that was made with a monkey wrench you pussy

who the fuck do i owe money to faggot

That really just happened. :rofl

that guy who was building you a transmission, and might wanna watch the language.

yeah, I highly doubt that. Maybe if you steal it you’ll have something cool. Werent you in a junked turbo honda at the nationals? Looking mean bro, Super mean.

I got my charger when i was 20. You wont have anything nearly as nice by then. Keep sucking at life you scumbag.

i dont owe him money? hes paid in full and has been since the gearbox was finished…nice try you loser

i dont have to steal shit bitch and your charger is gay as fuck

so have you committed any larcenies lately?

faggot pussy loser

wow good one you fat bitch

Why is my charger gay? Because its not your junked civic, or the 11 year old jetta in your sig, Or even better the first gen supra that no one wants? yeah. You got me there. A lot of cool stories bro, especially the ones about being a mindless, criminal, dirt bag, thief. keep up the good work.

so what are you 5’6 135-140? :lol

Your dumbass hasn’t been around in awhile… been busy suckin your dads dick?

  1. thats not my civic bitch
  2. its a gti, and its 10 years old…learn to count retard
  3. my supra was a mk3
  4. im not telling any stories, everyone else on this forum is.

Been busy building a 14 second civic. Nice a rusty, filled with rare dents.

6’2 180 strong like bull