i am suppose to dj this girls halloween party next month cause her other dj bailed on her but i need decent speakers that hook up to a computer. the ones i have now are ok (4 small speakers and 1 sub)…but i just dont know if they will get the job done. what i am looking for really is the kind that you always see in home music studios like on MTV and what not. not lookin to spend a whole lot anywhere around $150 i would say
or even a sound card that i could send audio from the computer to my home stereo, that also another posibility
AMAZING quality for the price, but I don’t know if they would be loud enough for a party… the only other ones I can think of off the top of my head that would be sufficient, although about $50 more than you wanted to spend are these:
Those ones get LOUD. Much louder than the first ones, but twice the price (note the $99 is for 1 monitor for the krk, where you get 2 of the M-Audio ones).
seriously to do this right you would need a board and speakers. i just use all my dads when i do all my djing, iv been thinking of doing it as a side job. if you decide you want to hire someone, let me know. id do it real cheap, i have lighting, sound system, laptop. everything to get the job done.
i would suggest renting a PA system if you want it done right. there is no reason to have studio monitors when you’re DJing. in fact, everyone I see using them to DJ out live, breaks them. in fact, i would never take my monitors out of the house unless i was moving my living situation.