Mustang escapes police with help of "friends'

I think I am getting old, but this has to be the dumbest thing ever.

I think it is also incredibly sad.

And I maintain my belief that the nation and world are in trouble.

I guess that would work if cop cars didn’t have camera and the ability to lookup license plates?

The “get away” with part is obviously an impossibility.

But what is beyond irritating is that people would jump in front of a cop car and then yell all kinds of things that are just deserving a tazer.

I guess I just miss a simpler time when a girl driving her breeze into a pole was entertainment enough…

So good and much better than jumping in front of cop cars!

the the popo can’t ID the person driving then he’s probably free?

Every day my faith in humanity is eroded a little further.

my man hit the mutha fuckin gas on dez *****z