Mutant Wolf-Dog

W T F!

ok thats creepy

before reading the article…

Aren’t there many breeds of half wolf and dog?

^ yes, in captivity. hybrids in the wild are newsworthy to some extent. for example, there was a Polar/grizzly bear hybrid found a few months ago in Alaska. (I think, I’d have to find the link…)

edit: easier than I thought:

i still think breeders are the biggest perverts of all time… and why aren’t thye trying cool shit like

a bulldog/poodle… or insert dumb and dumber bull dog and a shiz shu(sp?)

“what kind of dog is that?”

OMG FLUFFY?!?!?!?!!?!

Yeah, seriously, the more I look at the picture the more I’m creeped out.

+1 It does kind of look rodentish

or as the classic media would do, lets take 30 pictures of it, and lets use the best one to make the story better

OMFG that fucker is taking the starring role in my next zombie dream. I have those strangely often.

on a related note: Sebastian the cat gets a gold grill

sweet. My Bruno could take it lol.

" Wildlife officials and animal control officers declined to go to Turner to examine the remains. By Tuesday, the carcass had been picked clean by vultures and there was not much left of the dead animal."

There are vultures in Maine?

There are vultures in WNY… why not?

OK, maybe Im weird and a bit off…but, I think that fucker has a human ~similiar~ jawline and features.




is that hrk’s dog?

Big fucking deal. It looks like a dog.

Slow news day I guess.