Pet bear kills Pennsylvania woman

Dumb broad :lol A pet black bear?? Really???

(CNN) – A 37-year-old Pennsylvania woman died Sunday after being mauled by her pet black bear, authorities said.

Kelly Ann Walz was attacked when she entered the bear’s cage to feed the 350-pound animal and clean its cage, according to Pennsylvania State Police. The bear lived in a 15-by-15-foot steel and concrete enclosure on Walz’s property in Ross Township.

The bear wasn’t the only unusual animal living on the property, an official with the State Game Commission told CNN affiliate WFMZ-TV. The homeowner had a permit to keep a Bengal tiger and an African lion, and the property routinely passed inspection and had no violations, he said.

A neighbor shot and killed the bear that attacked the owner, state police said.

An investigation continues.

For some reason i read that as “Pedo Bear kills Penn. Woman”.

Haha so did I at first.

This is why those animals are considered wild. Dumb bitch should’ve never owned a bear to begin with.

You read this??

The homeowner had a permit to keep a Bengal tiger and an African lion, and the property routinely passed inspection and had no violations, he said.

Where the FUCK do you obtain a Bengal Tiger or an African lion??? :rofl


What do you mean “what”? :lol I meant that if you though owning a bear was ridiculous to check what else she was “certified” for.

Oh ok. haha Yea I read the whole thing. Maybe I should have elaborated.

LoL thats what I thought at first like this was going to be a joke then I noticed it was Pet, Crazy story though and had a Lion and Tiger always thought those would be cool pets

Maybe she was in heat and the bear just wanted a piece

Me too. I was like I haven’t been to Penn. in months. :wtf haha

why do people insisnt on having animals that can kill them as pets? whats wrong with a kitty, or parakeet? a freakking black bear?

I’ve always wanted a pet skunk.

ppl have those as pets with the glads removed. but like, when was the last time u read about a skunk mauling an adult and eating their face or something? its like a cat.

ahaha EXACTLY what i read it as the first time too. lol

what chu want?? i got it.
