pretty sure its his buddy’s truck and hes with dudes g/f…:ninja
yeah right :lmao
something like that. i couldnt understand him on the phone lol
if he’s still stuck tomorrow I could always trailer the jeep for a slight fee
Lol i was just out that way too on 156
:rofl thats funny! I’d help but the civic isnt exactly a tow truck :lmao
update from chaz
my text to him:
“did you end up getting out? lol”
his response:
“in the process of still. got 3 700cc quads with winches”
:wow :lmao
:rofl :rofl :rofl
I don’t know this guy but this is good :rofl
i want pics
LMAO sorry chaz I dident get your text till this morning
This explains the “Do you know jons number I wanted to see if he wants to go muddin” rofl
i second that motion:number1
so did they spend the night out there or what? lol
nah he texted me “we’re out” at 1 in the morning :lmao
lol good shit.
aaahahaha didn’t see this till just now. My friend and I decided to go mudding because we had her boyfriend’s truck. Tried to get slowmarro’s number earlier because I knew he probably woulda wanted to come, couldn’t figure it out and was like oh well, so we headed out to Altamont to meet up with this kid that’s got a Wrangler. He was like oh yea I’ve been goin up and down this trail, it’s awesome. So we followed him in, got 200ft in, then got stuck at 8:30pm. Tried to get unstuck, didn’t work, tried to pull it out with the jeep, didn’t work, jeep sunk in. Finally got the jeep unstuck, and out. After that I was like crapppp who can I call? Finally got Slowmarro’s number, but as he said, couldn’t come out and help. My friend called her boyfriend’s cousin who came with his 3500HD dually…and her boyfriend’s dad :facepalm. I was like oh great, we’re deadddd now. He was all sorts of pissed off at first, but was laughin bout it later. Dude with the 3500HD was like oh fuck this, I’m not going back there, his friend with a 2500HD was like nope, I’m not either. So we waited there for them to go and return with 3 something like 700cc quads with winches. We managed to winch the truck out of the ruts we had made, got it turned around and made another trail to get out.
where in Altamont were you? I’d be real careful with illegal wheeling. Number 1, it puts a bad name on all OHV enthusiasts, and #2 the cops/encon. are really cracking down on it.
I have no idea where we were, there weren’t any posted signs. It was a trail off of a road sort of by the Guilderland High School
wait… right across the street from the soccer fields on depot rd? or right across from the main entrance?
I have no idea, haha
Damn that’s like less than 10 minutes from me lol. I thought you were way up in Altamont.