My AMS Evo



wow GL at the shootout :tup: meth is really going to make that car a monster more than it already is


Meth is gay!

Oh, and we went fast!

I heard on the phone yesterday :snky:
conmgrads boyz and girls


Meth is gay!


yes i know, thats why i run race gas lol

well, emery u guys must have ran good if u came in second :slight_smile:


1st Trent Stanley
2nd Emery Kapral
3rd Yusuf Begic

numbers please

fastest was 8.71 :headbang:

christ lol

crosspost from evom on the shootout


This is going to be known as the year of the carnage. In 15 years of doing this event I have never seen so many broken cars and broken car parts, as a matter of fact I’d say you could almost add up the 14 previous years and not get as many broken parts!!!

First let me give a congrats to two record breakers I know of this weekend. Tony Powell beat my old/existing record for the Green/LT. He ran a 10.87 and a 10.88 at 127 mph. My old record was 10.89. The other congrats is for Eric Jones from AMS running a new mph record of 171 mph. Both of you did a great job!

Broken parts…holy crap. For this event every year I tell the track I don’t care what track prep costs, I want the track sticky and breaking parts. Well the weather was so cold we couldn’t get the traction quite up to where we wanted it but it must have been better than given credit for because there sure was a bunch of broken parts.

First round our black EVO ran 9.4 at 156 mph, I’ve never seen our car so out of shape, it was ALL OVER the track, Daniel finally gave up somewhere about 900’ and coasted. The second round something broke around the 1/8th mile. The pulled the original stock rear differential from the car, ran to the shop, got another one and replaced it. They made it just in time to squeeze in a last qualifier…as they attempted to pull off it was obvious something else was broken, the transfer case had broken at the same time. We were done for the day.

Marco from Magnus was there, he blew a head gasket/head first qualifier.

AMS broke an igntion box right after the first qualifier, found a spare and came back out for the 2nd qualifier to break a transfer case. They got it fixed but ran into more problems in the 1st round, fixed those and went on to make some fast time trials before the day was over. Best ET for them for the weekend was an 8.71 which I think was the quickest of anyone for the day.

Trevor Jones was there driving our “Magnum” Time Attack car, which he now owns for the first time. He could not get the car to go into 2nd gear, the tires were spinning too hard. The car is set up with 4 corners of fairly severe camber and toe’d out for road racing. Not a good drag set up. He still managed to run a 10.7 at 137.8 mph!! He even qualified for the Q16 in it! Then the transfer case broke in it too.

Kevin Lawson, great friend of mine, brought out his 1G from retirement. His first pass was a 10.4 at 137. He said the car was spinning and all over. His next few runs wouldn’t get out of the 11’s all in the 137 range. He finally looked under the car to find that the left rear axle was completely missing, as in NOT under the car! haha It was later found at the starting line and had been there since that first pass. He still ended up driving the car in FWD mode and placing second.

Serge Turcotte was there with his crew from Canada in their FWD Mirage. It was the most consistent car there and ran a series of 8.80’s. They also had problems but managed to get them fixed and needed to work on the car each and every round barely making each round. The car ran a best of 8.74 and should have been the Q16 winner. It finally broke permanently in the final round and the under dog of Q16 ended up winning with an 11 second pass.

The Q16 this year had the potential to be the quickest/fastest field in the history of the event, unfortunately there was a lot of broken parts. It’s odd because this year it seemed to me to be mostly driveline parts failing, not a lot of engine failures this year. Luckily it didn’t make for a ton of track clean up, which should keep the cost of the event down some.

Sorry if I forgot some of the events of the day or if they seem one sided towards “our” guys. I’m a little busy during the day and don’t get around much.

I have a preliminary count for the event. Looks like we had about 700 spectators and 90 race cars. So I guess for a rained out event earlier in the year and a rain date set on a cold day in October, it was pretty good. My estimate for the event had it not rained in August would have been 200+ race cars and over 3,000 spectators. So we lost about 2/3’rds of the of the people. Still was a pretty good turn out.

Before I get into the actual winners of the classes there are a few more cars/people I want to mention.

First, I drove my RS out to the track and handed the keys to Trent Stanley my friend/welder at our shop. He entered the car in Evo Eliminator and basically dominated the class. He ran one 10.03 all day, the rest of the passes were consistent 9.90’s and he ended up winning in the final with a 9.84. Most of the passes were 147.xx mph, great job Trent, thanks for driving my car! I drove the car out to dinner with my son and back home later. It’s truly one bad ass, great car.

Also, Jerry Hernandez brought both of his Toyota’s out that we have been helping him with this entire year. He has a two early ‘80’s Corolla’s with 4g63’s in them. The yellow car is his street car and has a 100,000+mile stock engine in it with a 35r on it and a custom intercooler/plumbing we built. Uses a Celica 5 speed trans, he ran 11.2 at 128 mph with it, his goal was 10’s on the stock engine, had it not been for a clutch failure he would have easy made it, his last pass was a 1.49 sixty foot. We also managed to get his Blue Tube chassis Corolla on the track for the first time ever. This is beautiful car, the chassis was built by Jaime Chassis in Florida. Freddie, his driver from Florida attempted to make a pass but nothing was going right, at first I thought it was the tuning as it wouldn’t even make a burn out, the engine sounded, from the beginning like it had a dead cylinder in it. We gave up and pulled the car under the bleachers. Jerry and his guys speak mostly Spanish, I do not. I was having a tough time having a conversation so I told Jerry I needed someone in the car I could communicate easy with. He said, “Get somebody!” I got Kevin Lawson and told him to get a helmet. Kevin hopped right in, I told him how the car worked and shut the door. I then went to the passenger door to make sure the nitrous was on, the bottle was off and I turned it back on. Seems as though that was the problem to begin with, I had turned it on and someone else had shut it off before Freddies attempted pass. (sorry Freddie) Anyway, Kevin jumps in, does a good burnout, pulls to the line, the car comes right up on the two step and off he goes, dead straight. I had told him to go to high gear only and shut it down, that’s exactly what he did. So the car made it’s first 1/2 pass and atleast has that under it’s belt. First 60’ time was a 1.30, the car is destined to run well into the 7’s. The hard part was just getting it done to make a first pass.

Now for the results:


1st Jason Stringer

2nd Charles Gee

3rd Mike Danner

3rd Ferry Fernandez


1st Gene Lampshire

2nd Mark Bullett

3rd Nathan Stover


1st Eric Walters

2nd Tyler Hopper

3rd Ryan Gross

3rd Curt Brown


1st Ryan Thompson

2nd Kevin Lawson

3rd Ryan Butebaugh

3rd John Hopkins


1st John Shepherd

2nd Chris Young

3rd David Pham

3rd Tony Powell


1st Trent Stanley

2nd Emery Kapral

3rd Yusuf Begic


1st Mike Nolan

2nd Serge Turcotte

3rd Jan Sand

3rd Bill Walls


Al Friedman

Thank you all for coming out and supporting the event on a cold October day.


2nd in EVO eliminator with a stock bottom end :headbang::headbang::headbang:


2nd in EVO eliminator with a stock bottom end :headbang::headbang::headbang:


Emery did great! I had to run against Devo tunning’s car (9 sec car) and I got knocked out…Im not used to protree at ALL!!! Its cool though.

I really didnt care about placing though…I like this event because our cars dont need cages!!! I just wanted to get my car down the track without getting booted at NYIRP

I think this photo says it all lol

very nice :tup:

def would like to get some runs in next year

We will post vids and pics a litle later. We lost to a car that ran 9.8! Oh well. I think its time to build a motor!


What did you run?

Whats all the red shit on that blue evo’s headlight?


Meth is gay!


I almost forgot…

Word to your mother.


Whats all the red shit on that blue evo’s headlight?


A reflection

Times and vids soon to come…


fastest was 8.71 :headbang:


Track prep wasnt very good…ALOT of the faster cars struggled from the line, plus it was cold and no sun, so the track temps never really got up…

I think Shawna has a video of my car smoking all 4 tires lol…TRACTION WAS AN ISSUE YESTERDAY FOR ME

BUT AMS did hit 171…New mph record!