My Baconwich

Here it is. Bacon, shredded cheddar cheese, butter, lettuce, no mayo.

My only regret is not having more bacon… and not getting a better focus on the delicious bacon texture.

i could use one of those right about now.

Needs more mayo. And I say that only out of pure jealousy for not having your sandwich.

miracle whip>mayo (but I sometimes say mayo when i mean miracle whip, so it may be a moot point)

we need a bacon sub-forum

butter, no mayo?

thats kinda… and cheddar cheese? i dont get it man but hey whatever floats your boat

needs some bacon on top of that bacon

I bet a sliced up hard boiled egg would make that taste even better…

I would have but I used the last of the eggs yesterday morning.

I really want to make the bacon cheese turtleburger.


I like this. Mayo is just gross shortening that has almost no flavor and just feels like lard in your mouth, pass.

When I make a bacon sandwich all it has is 1/2lb-3/4lb bacon cooked crispy, some butter, and good bread.

Nice work! :tup:


I prefer BLTs. But a sandwich based soley on bacon is pure win :tup: