The Best Grilled Cheese Sandwich Ever Made

This is a Rubicant original and it is dedicated to Jimmy Fry as well as all who love bacon.

The Maple Grilled Cheese & Bacon Sandwich.


Real Butter (the heart-attack kind)
Kraft Sharp Cheddar
Wegmans Potato Bread
Lb Hormell Maple Bacon
Log Cabin Maple Syrup (not Log Cabin lite, you pussies)
paper towels
non-stick 12" pan
non-stick spatula

Makes 2 sandwiches

  1. Cook 8 - 10 strips of bacon in a non-stick 12" pan (not too crispy, it will ruin it). Lay out to cool on two sheets of paper towels as well as absorb some of the grease.

  2. Drain the grease from the pan in a cup or down the drain with some hot water and soap.

  3. Get 4 slices of Kraft sharp cheddar cheese (if you want more cheese, add 1.5 on each slice of bread for a total of 6 slices for both but be warned!!).

  4. Place the cheese on one slice of bread and then place the 4-5 strips of bacon on top of that.

  5. Drizzle the Log Cabin syrup (it’s the best kind IMO) over the strips of bacon. Do not pour too much as it will make the bread soggy and your sandwich will taste like Zer0Daze looks after an all night coke binge.

  6. Put the top slice of bread on and apply your butter to the bread. Just coat the bread lightly, any more and it will overpower the flavor of the sandwich.

  7. Clean out the pan you cooked the bacon by giving it a wipedown with a paper towel. Make sure you don’t burn yourself cleaning, it doesn’t have to be perfectly clean.

  8. Add a tablespoon of butter to the pan put the stove on medium-low heat. Let the butter melt and coat the pan.

  9. Add your two sandwiches to the pan and make sure you put the buttered side of the sandwich up.

  10. Let the sandwich grill in the pan until you see the cheese slighly melt. This will take about 5 minutes or so depending on your definition of “medium-low”.

  11. flip your sandwich and repeat the above step except the cheese should be almost fully melted now. This part should only take about 3 minutes or so.

  12. Put your sandwich on a plate, cut into halves if it tickles your fancy. Enjoy your heart-attack.


grill cheese with raspberry jam.

or grill cheese with tomato soup for me :slight_smile:

syrup sounds icky… but I’ll try it

Preferably banging the sandwich

Didn’t take any, the urge to eat overpowered my need to document this properly.

Man, I gotta get me some tomato soup now… I haven’t had gc and soup in forever.

Made me think of this hahaha.
I’m not a fan of most of the stuff listed, but I have never tried a bacon grilled cheese, that I’m goign to have to try :thumbs up: on making it a funny read

I didnt see your name on the guest list on this voyage of the FAILBOAT!!

Next time please follow protocol!

oh all that time in the gym for nothing :stuck_out_tongue: Sounds delicious

It offsets my guilt. :wink:

why would you put your bacon on a paper towel to absorb the grease!!!

fuck that, cook the grilled cheese in the bacon grease!!

:tup: love teh grilled cheese mmmmmm



so, I, ME, I am fatsam???

you, sir, are officially fattmatt!

Well duh, it’s funnier if I am the one calling you fat.

Just like when Don calls other people angry… :rofl:

IBStroke. It’s been nice knowin yah

I’m gonna rig up one of these concoctions and Fedex it to ctnewman…

Make sure to include some bacon-grease dipping sauce.

holy shit that sounds amazing, im gonna have to make this sometime soon


Macy’s is having a sale on Croc’s, better get over there before you miss it.

Grilled cheese with ketchup ftmfw!