My balls itch


he gets rep for saying “gold bond” like an hour after i say “baby powder” which is that same thing???

fuck that.

if i join the mustang squad can i count on receiving CSBS +reps like this?

How to fix itchy ballsack-

Do the tuck and roll.

place thumb on top and index finger under neath. Rub like your making a fire.

only on cold days. :rofl

:rofl at this oh wow…:lol:lol

  1. Gold Bond> Baby Powder bullshit CVS brand garbage that caulderizes those balls

  2. Buy mustang recieve rep

  3. Grow balls, learn ins and outs of keeping them itch-free


u gotta use the medicated though!!! lol

Yea I should have specified haha…

fuck you guyz, this stuff>*

Kramer doesn’t believe that it’s man code to use gold bond medicated while balls are sweaty/wet.

Gold Bond those balls


ryan gets rashes not itchy balls and mommy powders up his hiney with baby powder thats why he suggests it cause he hasnt had experience with gold bond like real men

that shit started in 1886 and it’s made in NJ, so you know it’s good.

fuck off, haterz. i’ll stick with the OG shit. have fun with your rota-esque knockoff “hold blond” or whatever it’s called :facepalm

Gold Bond ftw. It worked.

Thanks guys.

Your 14 year old stature makes this comment utterly hilarious


Condoms are overrated


why is that haha

this is true :lol

gold bond medicated is the jam.

it’s like a cool breeze blowing through your boxers every day.

prevents swamp nuts.

benny your sig :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl hahahahaha