For sure, and there’s always creepers around :shifty
Nice location! Indoor shots are sweet.
Nice pics and car! I was looking at some Sigma lenses, looks like they work quite well.
Thanks man. And yea, for the price, the lenses are good quality picture wise and build wise.
Nice shots man. I like how simple the car is. It looks great and its not flashy.
I must say
Shot 10 is :excited :wow
Saw this car at the Lia Show. Didn’t realize it was a Shift member. Looks good!
My gf saw it and wished she brought her moms Magnum R/T on black 22s
Car looks great. How is the plasti dip holding up on the rims?
Looks good! I want a ride in that thing during the grad party!
She should’ve! My car was forever alone:'( Lol. That trailblazer at the show was yours right? Looked pretty badass :number1
Thanks man, and the plastidip is awesome. The only time it came off is when I got a little too close to a curb :shifty. But I sprayed some more on where it rubbed off and it blended right in! However, they are hard to clean, and I cant use spray-type tire shine cuz it looks like shit when in gets on the wheels.
They all looked good but number 10 is tits, and like Vlad said the last picture was a cool idea to add the human element to the mix
looks good man, sounds really good too
Looks awsome.I love the setting.It fits your car perfect i think.What location is it?
Thanks guys!
Thank you, it’s some old little warehouse in troy.
Car looks menacing I love it! Awesome shots.
Wow im stumped being from troy and i cannot figure out where this is.
I’d tell you but I don’t wanna give away the spot just yet… :ninja
damn looks good man. i feel like ive seen you in the home depot plaza in EG before
Thank you sir!
Probably have, I go to subway on my break sometimes.
makes sense…im there quite a bit lol