my car got nailed

so i sold the conquest, go home and get my winter ride, not even here for a week and i come home from school to this. i was parked perfect in the lines car was fine when i left for school. no to deal with wonderfull ohio police and apartment people

holy shit, did the s-10 do that??

no, i guess there was a flat bed type truck that did it waiting on a call from the police man now

I call shenanagans.

the funny thing is that the front end is relatively straight for the amount the car moved… if hat was one of dem der jap cars…

i just sold the conquest last friday so not even a week, if that was the conquest it would be toast, and shenanagans? come look at it still like that

wreckage. lol
good luck.


i just sold the conquest last friday so not even a week, if that was the conquest it would be toast, and shenanagans? come look at it still like that



I say call CSI to the scene, they will the find the culprit, and then find 2 crimes he committed 8 years ago.

or unsolved mysteries

Doesn’t look too bad. Big old tanks FTW! Thats about what my Lincoln’s fender looked like after some drunk kid hit an Eclipse with it.:bloated:


lol how can u not see a big car like that geez. and how did u get a flat on the opposite site?

the car was hit by the rear tire of a large truck and pushed that far i was parked in the lines, the car was pushed that far poped off the bead. and i mean hit that thing i would think would be notice the witness’s said he damn near ran it over

the fuck?!
how does one not see a car of that size.

At least there strong fucking cars

“good old american iron right there” :tup: (some shit my dad would say)


so the cops find the guy nail him and his son with a ticket, he calls me today and says its up to me and him to settle it. im tempeted to go 4 floors down and one door over, knock, then punch. its such a pain in the ass being 2 states from home with nothing to drive,good thing i got my bicycle. if this would have been the conquest, there would be a bit more of an issue

1.) Put it through the guy’s insurance
2.) Profit

I had to look three times before I saw the damage. Stick a flag on that fucker and invade Poland :rofl:

the car has only 80k miles lol