Whats with the stock Prelude and Civic in the upper left?
Whats with the stock Prelude and Civic in the upper left?
Congrats man!
Great… one more thing to boost your huge ego… i hope you got low seats cause your head must be HUGE… lol j/k man. nice on yea
mark, where is ur integra i didnt see it on the pics jks
Clean car man, that pic looks awesome. Doesn’t someone on the forum own the blue silvia in the top right as well?
haha thanks I think it’s the pic that makes my car look clean though. Yeah I thought it was Willx’s car but I was told that’s someone’s car from the states.
doesnt the blue s13 coupe belong to someone on this forum?
the gray 240 with the converted silvia front end on this months cover is killer looking.
i had to buy this months issue.