My computer randomly shuts off

On some fans you can peel back the sticker and add lube to the fan. You may be able to add some grease or something to it.

nice! so I should take the ram/heat sink cover off and just go to town with the air in and around the fan/heat sink area?

Remove anything that’s easy to get out of the way but I wouldn’t go nuts pulling the case apart.
The canned air has good force and should break up and dislodge dust if that’s the culprit…without removing anything.
Think about how the cases are designed…air in and air out. Try to force the air in the same path as it naturally flows, but with force.

Laptops have variable speed fans too. When you first turn it on and it’s cool the fan will spin pretty slow to conserve battery power. As the laptop heats up it will spin faster.

As others keep saying, blast that thing with the air and see what happens. As long as you’re not holding the can upside down spraying liquid in there the air won’t hurt anything.

Yup. Upside down is only for huffing. :stuck_out_tongue:
The old air was odorless…this new “green” shit even right side up smokes out the room with odor. I miss the old stuff.

I would say its an overheating issue. Cooling pads are where its at for a dedicated laptop