Laptop Help

Ok i got my laptop 2 years ago and the warranty is up. Just recently if im running alot of programs at once i will hear the fan kick on really high and then the computer will just shutoff. I will then have to wait a good 20 min for it to cool down or it will do the same thing. I cant even run my antivirus program by itself without the computer turning off.

Is my laptop done? Anybody have any ideas on whats going on or if i could fix it? Thanks.

i think your cooling fins are probably plugged up. What kind of laptop is it?

its a hp dv4000. Also i heard ur not supposed to leave laptops on the charger all the time and i do because i pretty much use it as a desktop unless im going to the library at school or something. Would that have anything to do with my problem?

i doubt it, see if there’s a way you can get to the fan/cooling fins, and i bet they’re clogged. I leave my notebooks on all the time. One has been on for like 8 years.

Cooling fins are probably plugged, get a can of compressed air. Or compressed are in general, and blow it out. It happens over time if it’s never cleaned out, sounds like it’s just overheating and shutting off to prevent damage.

Ya i figured it was just overheating and would shut itself off to prevent damage. Do i need to take the laptop apart to spray the compressed air in it to clean or can i just spray it in the vent where the fan is?