Laptop Problems

So my laptop took a shit on me,sometimes it dfoes not come on but it has the power buttonm adn one other one on adn the fan running,but no0thing else. Other times it comes on adn works for two mins then shuts down again,and sometimes it turns on when u put it on it’s side. Now i dont think this is virus related but more of a board or chip problem,anybody eles ever experience this as well?

my old sony did the same thing…it was do to overheating …then it was fried

Not what i want to hear,it is not fried yet:doh:

Make & Model?? Some Hp’s are known to have a crippled power jack and sometimes its bad enough to go down to the board where a few contacts will lift up and cause the machine to behave the way yours is. Also does this happen when it’s plugged in or when it’s running off of battery power?

It is an IBM R51. The power jack is reamed out so it falls out sometimes and as far as running,it does this mainly when the battery is in and unplugged as well as the other way. Sometimes when i go to turn it on it chirps like a mouse n the power indicator flicks on and ioff and it doesnt turn on

Sounds like a loose contact or something on the board touching something that shouldn’t be touched. Do some basic investigation…shake it around a bit…do you hear any rattling? Do you ever remember a small peice of anything that looked important falling out? If your power jack is that FUBAR’d then you may have a lot more problems. I can’t tell without the machine being in front of me though…computers shit the bed for the stupidest reason…and i doubt it’s fried YET…but just by how you describe things i’m just about sure it’s on its way…ah and now that i think about it…a lot of motherboards use diagnostic beeps to alert you of something…that maybe be the “mouse” sound you are hearing…it may be as simple as something not being properly seated on your motherboard

When it turns on it is fine adn runs then just shuts off all of a sudden. Nothing is loose or no noises at all,it just happened when i had it on my lap the other day adn i tilted it sideways a lil bit and it happened. I think it might just be like u stated,something loose or a chip on the board going bad,but who knows…i am NO computer guy when it comes to that stuff.

Your probably like 8134 miles away like everyone else on this board who needs their stuff fixed. If it’s to the point where you turn it sideways on your lap and it cuts off that has to be something that shouldn’t be where it’s at…i can just about promise that it’s some loose peice of metal flopping around your board making it cut off. Has your laptop done this after sitting for a while and then turning it back on? is usually takes about 5 to 10 minutes for laptops to overheat if it’s a cooling problem so getting the time frame of how yours does it can help narrow down the possible problems.

when i leave it off and battery out for for awhile9like a day) then turn it on it usually turns on adn runs for a lil bit then shuts off,but if keep pulling the bat out adn oputting it back in n rtebooting it starts all thos problems i told u about. It does it when it it is on flat as well now,so who knows. I do however always have it on my lap or on the blanket when i am in bed and it gets pretty warm,like maybe no air circulation.

thats one of the worst things you can do…

How often do/did you use the computer? Your not as computer illiterate as you say you are…the no air circulation is bad…it’s like not having coolant in your car…eventually…it’ll go boom…in a computers case it’ll go pfffftttttttt. But that can be your problem…something may very well already be burnt out or on it’s last leg. Cold start and it runs for a while…but if you keep removing the battery and putting it back in it constantly shuts off quickly or won’t turn on at all…that little bit of info indicated possible heat damage. Try running it on top of a table or one of those tv dinner stands that everyone seems to own…if you don’t get the problem then the machine was suffocating…if you do get the problem don’t eliminate the cooling problem…just take it a bit further to possible board level damage

Well i had the laptop on 24/7 to tell u the truth,but when it was closed and not in use it was on a night stand on top of metal mesh so ther was plenty of circulation,but i would be on it for hours on end at night adn day on top of a blanket. So thus in theory by what u say adn i as well it could be a burnt or overloaded circut from the excessive heat. Now even if i put it on a table or so fourth it does the same thing,it just so happens to turn on and power up when it wants to

Powers up by itself too…yea there is a chip or two gone that manages the power. It’s really damaged beyond repair unless you somehow get lucky and the machine starts to work again. But 24/7 isn’t bad unless it’s in a harsh climate…i myself leave all 4 of my computers on(one being a laptop)24/7 and have no problem…but then again my basement is really cool even in summer and my laptop sits near the window where it’s really cool at this time of year. You can always try and get a replacement motherboard…but on laptops it’s really pointless…i know you don’t want to junk it but that may be the only resort…strip what you can from it like memory and the wireless card(if you plan on getting another ibm)and junk it…stick it out for another week or so though…it might start working again for you. Also…your intake vents on the laptop…are they all linted up and dirty? If so you might have that same lint on the inside causing the processor to overheat…which can be fixed if it’s caught before it’s too late

But it will turn on adn run for a few mins sometimes,so whats that mean? I dont have the cash for a new laptop but i need one. Can’t u replace chips that are bad on them?

If it was that easy to replace chips most computer companies would go bankrupt…thats how they make money…knowing the end user will do the stupidest thing that’ll cause it to die…thus making them buy a new one making the company more money. When you say turn on and run for a few mins do you mean initially or after it cuts off once and you start messing with it? If you mean the first time then it’s a overheating problem…the second one can be a combination of both overheating/fried chips

I mean that at sporatic times i can just turn it on like nothing was ever wrong with it and it will run for a few mins. After it turns off form that it doesnt want to go back on and if it does it only does it for about a few secondsthen back to fan on adn two lights on with no screen or anything.

That means your chips are gone for sure…overheating is just another factor thats complicating the issue. Pretty much your machine will turn on initially until it gets too hot…causing the already messed up chips to go haywire…your machine turns off…you turn it back on and maybe just maybe it’ll run for a quick minute if that and turn right back off…you get your led lights to glow and the fan to kick on but no response from the computer itself as far as the hd booting up or the monitor kicking on. Foz had the same problem with his machine…determined it was bad chips on the mobo.


If you have stuff on there that you don’t want to lose (pictures, important documents, contacts etc) I’d back up your files onto CD or jump drive/flash drive ASAP assuming you can get it to run for a few minutes…Hubby’s old laptop was on it’s last leg, I had a feeling that it was going to crap out, so I had the sense to back up the QuickBooks for our business and put it on my jumpdrive. He told me that didn’t even cross his mind to do that, all of our business records would have been gone. It died the next day…

Only thingi care about is all the pictures i have and videos of atlantic city,bahamas and so fourth,i managed to get some b4 it shut off onto a CD and will be going back in it to try and get more. Everything else is really nothing too important,progrtams and so fourth i can get again.