sooooo. i have a vpr matrix latop. hottness high end compnonets at a cheep price.
good thing i baught the warrenty at BB cus this will be the fourth time it goes in for service.
I wake up this morning and the power is off and my powersupply light is flicking realy fast.
i unplug it from the laptop and it goes solid green.
plug it back in the laptop and the hott strobe light action starts again.
so it looks like im getting a new laptop… time to pull all my hot porn off my latop before sending it in :rolljerk:
anyone have any recomendations… all i use it for is email and browsing nyspeed 
thanks for putting this in nws zone, i got all excited
are you getting a different one from best buy then?
if so check out that sony vaio VGN-T350P/L :tspry:
12 inch notebooks > * 
^ thank you
no i just got back. one more time, it will break ina month dont worry 
Not sure whether this would be a board problem, battery, or power supply.
Have you checked the charge on the battery when the laptop is in the aforementioned state?
its a board/power issue. its hapeened 2 times allready and they replaced the board.
the connection to the computer is shitty, so the power cord bends a lot.